Chapter 11

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You watched Gerard perform one of his solo scenes, he looks so cute and nervous at the same time. He kept glancing at you which melted your heart. That's when you heard footsteps approaching. Two masked figures ran up to Gerard and dropped his pants to the floor. They ran offstage and Gerard stood there. Frozen. His faced burned up, that's when the the P.A. system came on.

"Here we see a slob on stage with his pants down." The voice chuckled, making the audience laugh. "How pathetic, but what's even more pathetic is how he thinks he actually has a chance with his Juliet." The crowed was having a blast and Gerard was crying. He pulled up his pants and ran off stage. You looked at the crowd and saw Mrs. Parker calming everyone down and Mr. Ruby leaving to the office to find the voice on the P.A.

You got up and ran in the direction he ran. You could hear his quiet sobs from the janitors closet. You walked up and knocked in the door.

"Gerard?" You whispered.

No response.

"Gerard? Please, i know you're in there." You frowned.

Still nothing.

"Fine, i know where I'm not wanted." You sighed, walking away.

You walked to the theater and saw everyone had left, including the teachers. You turned around to leave when you ran into someone.

"Hey." Brendon smirked.

"Yes?" You weren't in the mood to talk, you just wanted to make sure Gee was okay.

"Oh, mad are we? Why is that?" He asked.

"Nothing." You mumbled, walking away.

"Is it because your little 'boyfriend' got exposed for the slob he is?" He teased.

"Shut the fuck up." You snapped back.

"Feisty, i like it." He winked. "Why do you even like him? He's the definition of a low standard." He rolled his eyes.

"Why are you such a dick?" You half shouted. "He's the kindest, smartest, talented, funniest person I've ever met." You added.

"Maybe because him and his bitch of a bro-" he cut himself off. "You know what, nothing." Tears clouded his eyes and he walked off.

What the fuck just happened?

You turned around and walked out the school. You were kind of hurt at the fact Gerard didn't even talk to you. He let you walk away from the janitors closet. You walked out the school and walked home in the cloudy weather. It was complete silence, you walked into your yard, unlocked your door, and walked in. You walked upstairs and plopped your bag by the door. You sat down at the window and watched the clouds. Their grey color described how you feel. Made you even sadder.

You got up and changed into pajamas. You took out the paper for your solo project and erased everything. You grabbed a pen and wrote without even thinking.

Bad Luck Charm
Hang my head in constant sorrow
Everything I do is a burden to my name

I'm a black cat
A mirror broken
Call me your bad luck charm

Pain, is the reward for being near me
Blame, me for the tragedies that follow

I can be a harbinger
I will change the colors of your life

I'm a black cat
A mirror broken
Call me your bad luck charm

I'm a guaranteed catastrophe
Tears are bound to fall
I'm a train wreck and you will regret the day I came to call

I'm a black cat
A mirror broken
Sad to say, but I'm your bad luck charm.

You were interrupted by a knock at the door. Maybe your mom forgot her key? You put the paper away and walked downstairs. You noticed it was pouring out side so you rushed to the door. You quickly opened it to see Gerard, soaking wet.

"Oh my god, Gee come inside." You wourriedly said. You could tell he was still crying, it crushed you.

"Thanks." He sniffled.

You ran to the hall closet and grabbed a towel. You handed him the towel and walked him upstairs. You sat him on the little couch you have in your room, you sitting next to him. You rubbed his back and that's when he began to sob. You pulled him into a warm embrace and let him cry into your neck. He soon calmed down and just rested there.

"I'm so stupid." He mumbled.

"Why do you say that?" You asked, playing with his hair.

"Because I actually thought I could be in a play and maintain the lead role. I'm a fuck up, i shouldn't of auditioned in the first place." He gripped you tighter as he finished the last sentence.

"Gee, you're not. Those people who did that are just jealous. You have stuff they don't, a kind heart, a great sense of humor, talent. You're perfect Gee, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." You whispered.

"Thanks (y/n), i don't know what I would do without you." He grinned against your skin.

You hugged onto the boy a little tighter before parting. He gave you a big smile and shot up.

"Thanks again (y/n)." He smiled before grabbing his stuff. "I have to get home to Mikey, see ya at school." He added while walking out the door.

You felt butterflies fill your stomach. He was so god damn perfect, what the fuck. You took out your phone and looked at the time, 9:40 pm. Your mom was probably working late, she said she was going to take late shifts to make more money. You got up and went to your bed, you laid there for a bit. You kept thinking about him, how much you wanted to be with him.

Tyler's P.O.V. ▪

I walked up to Brendon who was walking down the street to his house, Josh behind me.

"Nice stunt you pulled there." I chuckled. "Didn't the exact same thing happen to you? Except you saw your best friend kissing the girl of your dreams." I teased.

"Shut up." He mumbled, shooting us a glare.

"Just because you can't keep a date doesn't mean you can ruin other people's relationships." Josh added.

"Him and his brother fucked up mine first." He grunted.

"Oh right, i forgot about that part." I laughed looking at Josh. "Well we should be in our way. Bye Brendon." I smirked before walking off with Josh.

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