Chapter 8

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▪ Brendon's P.O.V. ▪

"Hey Brendon." Ryan greeted.

"Hey Ryan." I smiled back, walking to the table under the tree.

School started a months ago but it's still hard to get use to. I've never seen a school like this and I'm honestly surprised I got accepted. Personally, i don't think I'm great. There's a lot of other people who are better, let's use my good friend Patrick Stump as an example. His voice can sing anything, it can go from smooth to screamo real quick. A lot of people say I have a calming voice and a very large range but I don't know, I'm insecure.

"Earth to Beebo."  The brunette waved his hand infront of my face.

"Oh, sorry. I got in a daze." I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, by the way I talked to these new kids in my 2nd period and I told them about our table. So don't be surprised if 3 small dudes and 1 tall dude start hanging here." Joe laughed.

"Cool, what are their names?" I eagerly asked. I loved making friends with people.

"Ray, Frank, Mikey and Gerard. Mikey and Gerard are related, pretty cool especially since they're really close." Joe said while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Sounds fun." Pete chimed, walking to the table with Patrick.

"Wait, did you say Gerard?" Patrick asked, looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah, why?" Joe asked while chewing his sandwich.

"That's the boy who's been causing trouble around the streets. Him and his friend Frank, but Gerard does it more often." Patrick went on. "But, I'm not gonna stop him and his friends from coming over here. Maybe he's not as bad." He shrugged and went off to get lunch.

Well, no one's ever that bad. Maybe we can change him.

"There they are now." Joe whispered. "Hey guys." He grinned.

"Heyo" The tall boy with the fro greeted.

"So, you wanna introduce us?" The smaller boy with black hair chuckled.

"Oh yeah." Joe replied, standing up. "This is Pete and Patrick." He gestured towards the two boys walking with trays of food. "This is Andy and Ryan." He pointed towards the two boys talking and they gave a quick smile. "And that's Brendon." He pointed towards me and I waved in return.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Mikey, Ray is the one with the fro, Frank is the midget, and this is my brother Gerard." He chuckled.

I looked at Gerard and he seemed sad. His eyes were clouded with tears and he tried to hide behind his hair. It made me sad, i hated seeing people sad, and Gerard, he didn't look sad he looked broken.

"Well I'm gonna get lunch, anyone wanna come with?" Mikey asked, scanning the table.

"I'll go with you." I smiled and set down my bag.

He patted his brothers back and gestured for me to follow him. We waited in line and ordered our food. I ordered a taco plate and he got a burger plate.

"Is your brother okay?" I was hesitant to ask.

"There's this jerk." He sighed. "He keeps fucking with him, he calls him names and hits him and shit. It's fucked up. I hate seeing my brother like that. When people do that to him, it affects me too. It's like they're doing shit to me. It fucking hurts, he's my big brother for fucks sake." He added, tears clouding his eyes. "But, he'll be fine. He's got me, Frank, Ray, and now you guys." He half smiled.

"He seems like a cool guy, people are just horrible. I hate people like that, so conceited and shit. But what can ya do?" I replied.

"True. You're a good guy Brendon." He grinned before sitting at the table, next to his brother who seemed to be drawing.


It's been a couple of weeks since Mikey and his friends came to the table and I've grown close to Mikey. I gave him advice to help his brother out and a little relationship advice.

"So Brendon, when are ya gonna get yourself a girl, or a guy we don't judge." He smirked.

"I don't know, just haven't found the right person ya know?" I sighed, eating my fries.

"Well." Frank smirked. "I may or may not know this girl that seems like your type." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked.

"Her names Ashley Barnes, she sings. I have her for Mr. Ruby 2nd period." He replied with a big grin.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"Isn't she over there." Mikey said, pointing to a girl sitting by herself on a bench. She was reading a book and she was stunning. The way her light brown hair fell in her face when she read and her sharp blue eyes.

"Don't drool now." Mikey teased.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Well." Frank half shouted. "Go talk to her." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Fine." I grunted before walking in her direction. I was nervous, really nervous. She was fucking gorgeous, fuck. I arrived at the bench and I sat down next to her.

"Hey." I purred. She looked up from her book and gave a smile, a cute ass smile.

God damn it.

"Hi." She greeted and closed her book.

We talked for the remainder of lunch and my god, she's perfect. She's kind hearted, funny, just perfect. I walked her to class when lunch ended. The rest of the day she was glued to my mind. I never thought I would say this but, thank God for Frank Iero.

Unknown P.O.V. ▪

"Him right there." The black haired boy whispered. He was looking at a boy with a big forehead.

"What about him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's the one trying to get with Ashley." He replied.

"Oh is he now? Find out more information about him and his friends." I grinned as I walked to Mr. Ruby's.

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