Chapter 3

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Shortly after, lunch ended and everyone said goodbye. You looked at your schedule and rushed off to history, well the history of music. When you got there you were greeted by a familiar face, Frank.

"Well if it isn't Gerards new girlfriend" he teased.

"Shut up, i was just complimenting his art work" you replied, giving him a small glare.

"You're cute when you blush" he mocked.

"I was- ugh nevermind but I don't like him like that."

"That's what they all say, but he doesn't seem like your type." You gave him a confused look. "He's on the verge of being kicked out of DHS, he's a real bad kid. And you're a good kid, always getting to class on time, never talks back. Complete opposites." He smirked. "Anyways, you sing right?" He asked leading you to a table where Mikey was seated.

"Yeah, what do you guys do?" You replied, looking at both of them.

"I play guitar and sing" Frank said proudly.

"I play Bass." The blonde smiled.

"That's cool!" You grinned.

"Okay, let's get started." The teacher chimed as she turned on the projector. You guys watched a movie about Beethoven and would occasionally stop to talk about what went on. The bell rang and people hurried out of class.

Your last class was writing, a class about song writing techniques. You went to the second floor and ran into another familiar face, Gerard. Great. Not that you didn't like him, he was a nice guy. But, after what Frank told you, you started to consider if you should stay away.

"Hey, Sugar." He smirked.

"Hey Gee." You half smiled in response.

"What class ya got? Maybe I can walk you there?" He asked, looking down hiding behind his hair.

"I have Writing. I mean, if you want you don't have to" you replied giving a smile. You saw his face light up for a second.

"I have writing too. Come on, we can walk together." He grinned.

"Okay" You replied with a smile. He led you to the class which wasn't really far. You guys took a seat at a table.

"It's cool to finally have a partner" he mumbled.

"You don't know anyone else here?"

"No, everyone in this class in obnoxious." He whispered. You laughed a bit in response. He mumbled something you couldn't make out.

"What was that?" You asked, looking at the pale man.

"Nothing." He smirked, moving close to your face.
You felt your cheeks turn red.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Did I do that to you?" He moved closer, noses almost touching.

"N-no" you whispered in response, looking down. He chuckled a bit and moved away when the teacher began instructing. The whole class you felt him staring at you, the same way you felt in your first class. Was it him?

Finally, the last bell rang signaling for everyone to go home. You got up from your chair, grabbed your bag, and began to walk out of class. You have to walk home since your mom works late so you should leave as soon as possible. Before you could walk down the stairs you felt Gerard grab your hand.

"Are you walking home?" He asked, turning you to face him.

"Uh, yeah." You replied.

"Okay, I'll walk you home" he grinned. Before walking you down stairs, still holding your hand.

"You don't have to Gee."

"I want to" he gave you a wink.

You felt yourself blush again, you tried to hide it by looking down.

"You don't have to hide it Sugar, it's cute" he smirked at you, leading you outside to the sidewalks. "Lead the way, fair maiden" he chuckled.

"So, tell me about yourself." He asked, looking at you.

"Well, I use to live in a small town called (h/t). That was until my mom heard about DHS, she made me record an audition tape and send it out. When I got accepted, she tranfered out here. She really thinks I can make something of my voice." You chuckled and he did the same. "I got into singing when I was 5, i would sing to my mom a lot and it would put a smile on her face, something I rarely saw growing up. My dad left when I was 5 and it impacted us hard but we pulled through. Ever since then, i would sing to make people happy." You went on, looking at the boy with a smile.

"Wow, that's-"

"Oooooo look at the love birds over there!" You heard a voice yell that belonged to none other than, Frank. That's when you both realized you were still holding hands. He let go of his grip on your hand and put it in his pocket.

"Shut up Frank." Gerard half shouted. "I'm just walking her home."

"Sure, walking her home" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and turned his attention to you. "Lets continue" he gestured towards the path in front of you. You nodded in response.

The whole walk home you guys got to know eachother a lot better. You felt yourself becoming better friends. It honestly made you happy, you never really got close to anyone back home.

When you both arrived at your house, he turned to you.

"Thanks for walking me home." You smiled.

"Anything for a pretty girl." He smirked making you turned a light shade of red. "See ya at school tomorrow" he waved as he walked away.

"Bye." You grinned.

Maybe he isn't as bad as they say he is.

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