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        We sailed for a few hours then dropped my parents and Henry off at the shore. Henry was going to stay with Regina for the weekend so Killian and I can figure out the next step with the baby. 

        Two days after my practice with Regina and Gold I woke up and noticed that I was twice a big as I was the day before, and I called up Regina, she told me that because the baby is a "Demon" that it will keep growing at an extreme rate until I either figure out my magic, or until it rips out through my stomach. Yep this sucks... At this rate the baby with be ready in two months.

        Regina and I talked about doing twice a week practices instead of once a week and they were kicking my butt. I was exhausted for days after the practice and then when I'd get my energy back I'd have another practice, but it will all be worth it right?... 

        Killian decided a nice night through the town would ease my mind so we went to granny's for dinner, then strolled through the town. Thankfully it was a peaceful night and by the time we got home I was completely calm and I fell asleep the minute I hit the bed.

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