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He helped me off the ship and we started climbing the rocks. He stayed behind me to catch me if I slipped. Then I saw something I never expected. It was half of Storbrooke building a beautiful house. I stepped back in shock and I just stood there. I even saw my parents which shcocked me even more. Hook walked in front of me.

"Emma honey are you okay?"

"I...I....what's going on?"

He just laughed and picked me up because I obviously couldn't move. He set me down when we got to my parents and they hugged me.

I sat down 'cause my head was spinning. This was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen and I'm here with everyone I love. Even after and hour and a half I was still in shock the house was finished, fully furnished and decorated. Hook came and helped me up.

"Luv, what's going on in the pretty head of yours?"

I just pulled him close and kissed him. I saw out of the cornor of my eye, my mother taking pictures, ugh she was so annoying. Then Hook pulled back, looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Emma Swan I love you more than anything else on this Earth. You are beatiful like the view from here. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, the rest of time with," He got onto one knee and pulled out a diamond ring, "Emma, will you marry me?"

"Yes. Yes a thousand times yes!" He hoped up and kissed me again.

Everyone was cheering, my mom was crying, and so was I. He wiped away my tears and held my face, "I will love for eternity." We held hands and walked to our new home.

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