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"Ready?" My father held on to my arm.

I gave him a warm smile, "Yes."

I heard the piano start playing and my dad and I walked with the pace of the notes. Slow and steady around the corner, everyone came into view. The whole town was there, its the first wedding they have been to since my parents. Smiles spread across everyones faces but I no longer see anyone, except Killian.

His eyes scanned every inch of me before he looked me in the eye, then his heart melting smile spread. Before I knew it my dad had given my hand off to Killian and took his seat next to mom. Killian had leaned forward and whispered "You look so beautiful"

"Welcome everyone. Today we have the honor of bringing together two people, The saviour of us all, and the amazing Captain Hook." The preacher had opened the ceramony with. He talked for a good twenty minutes and then told Killian to read his vowes.

"Emma, before I met you I was the bad guy. All I ever wanted was revenge for Milah, but then you show up. The second I saw you every ounce of my being knew that you were going to change who I was. You are not only everyone heres Saviour, but you are mine to. Emma you are my swan and I love you more than anything else in the world." Tears started spilling from my eyes, but I couldn't kiss him yet....

"Killian, at first when I met you I believed you only cared about yourself, and that you were just like the Pirates in all the stories, but you showed me that I could love someone again, that I didn't need to keep wall up around my heart. With everything we have been through, all the crap we got when everyone first found out about us being together, up to the point where somehow you managed to get half of storybrooke to build us a house, I knew that you weren't like other pirates. You are the man I have been waiting for my whole life. I love you, and I think now is a good time to tell you... I'm pregnant." Tears were forming in everyones eyes. I couldn't wait anymore, I looked at the Preacher and almost yelled come on!

"Killian, do you take Emma as your wife, from now until the day you die?"

"I do for eternity."

"Emma, do you take..."

"I do , I love you so much Killian"

"You may now kiss the bride."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kept his hands on my waist and leaned down to kiss me.

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