Chapter 7 (again)

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This is for those of you who couldn't see the original chapter 7.

unedited- please point out mistakes***

Hayes POV

We eventually made it back to the hotel. We took our luggage up to the rooms.

"Hey Nash what room am I in?" I asked my brother.

"You're in room 129, all the way at the end."

"Who am I rooming with?"

"I don't know.. But I think you shiuld be able to go in an find out cause we're the only ones in the hallway so.."

"Ok. See ya later bro."

I walked off to the end of the hallway, not waiting for Nash's response. I knocked on the door (I didn't have a room key yet). When the door opened, it revealed a very unbalanced, struggling Taylor, attempting to carry all of her stuff at once.

"Hi Hayes!" she said cheerfully. "I guess we're rooming then?"

"Yeah, let me help you with that." I took her largest suitcase and lifted it onto a bed.

"Thanks," she gasped, setting down her other bags.

I pulled my bag in from the doorway.

In the room, we had a small kitchen, large bathroom, a huge television, a sitting area, and out the window, we had a lovely view of sea world. We also had 2 king beds and a pull-out couch. The kitchen, I found out was stocked with snacks, drinks, fruits, vegetables and microwaveable meals.

When I walked back into the room I saw Taylor looking at the TV guide. I sat down next to her and looked at the guide. I memorized a couple channels and then Taylor asked me which bed I wanted.

I told her I would take the one without her stuff on it. Then beds had a little nightstand in between them and each had a dresser on the side. According to the clock, it was about 12 right now.

"Wanna go get some lunch?" I asked. "There's a restaurant down the street that's supposed to be really good."

"That sounds great!" she said, looking up from her phone. "Just us or everyone else too?"

"We can ask them, unless you want to go alone?"

"Want to just ask our older brothers?"

"Yeah, and we don't have to worry about Shawn feeling left out cause he texted me a picture of him and Matt eating dinosaur nuggets."

We went to the other end of the hallway to room 119. I knocked on the door after attempting to open it with my room key.

Nash let us in and asked what was up.

"We were going to go to Bonefish in about 10 minutes for lunch. Wanna come?"

"I already ate, sorry." Cam said. Nash said the same thing.

"Okay" Taylor and I said at the same time.

We went back to the room. Our room.

"I'll be right back Taylor. I have to change out of these airplane clothes." I selected light khakis and a light blue button down shirt.

I came out from the bathroom where I had changed. And saw Taylor.



She was wearing a white, lacy dress with a belt wrapped around her waist and tan and white sandals to match. She was leaning towards a mirror applying mascara and putting on lip gloss. She turned to me. Looked at my outfit, then turned to her bag. She pulled out a pair of earrings am a necklace that were the color of my shirt.

"Ready?" she asked.

All I could do was nod.

She knocked on the tiny "Alice in Wonderland" door and Matt opened it. He had a dinosaur nugget in his hand.

"What's up? Why are you two all fancy?"

"We're going to lunch, but can you take a picture of us first?" she asked him. I still hadn't taken my eyes off of her.y eyes shifted to her hair which was in loose waves from her bun earlier.

I flashed a smile at Matt, who was holding her iPhone.

"Thanks!" she said, flashing a smile at Matt.

"Shall we?" She turned to me.

"We shall," I laughed.


She stumbled into the room, tripping over her own feet. She giggled. It was around 11 pm and she was tired but still wanted to have fun. Her shoes were in her hand now and she was laughing uncontrollably.

What happened on the date? Well that is a long story..



A/N: so that's the end of that chapter. I haven't updated in a month ._. I'm sorry. But thank you all so much for 13k! It means the world to me! You have no idea.

So I have an 8 hour car ride ahead of me so I'll keep working on another chapter.

Now- just to clear things up. I've been on vacation. That's a terrible excuse not to update but I honestly couldn't. :( it's summer though and I don't have any other long vacations planned. So I'm going to try for daily updates :3

Also- I'm answering any questions about the book below.

And- yes they were indeed out for 11 hours. All of that will be explained.

If you read the whole note there ^ comment '13' on this sentence :p.

(I realize that there won't be any comments)

Okay long note but whatevs.

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