Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Taylor's POV

Hi. My name is Taylor. Taylor Dallas. Sister to famous viner Cameron Dallas. My birthday is in two days and I know for a fact that my brother didn't get me anything. He is a brother, but we don't get along that well and he's a dork. Why would he get me anything?
Today I am sitting around, being lazy, thinking about what my life will be like when I finally turn 13. I'll be able to date, go out with my friends whenever I want. I'll be allowed on Facebook. Just two more days.

{Next Day}

Tomorrow's the big day. I am really anxious to find out what my parents got me. Some of my friends are coming over today for pizza and cake. I haven't seen them since the day before the start of winter break. Even though today is the only the fifth day of break, it feels like a lifetime without them.

They all arrived together, each wearing an equally large grin on their face.

"Hey Tay!" Auburn squealed.

"Hey!" I replied. Rachel and Sara followed closely behind.

We ate our cake and pizza, talking about puppies, rainbows and unicorns.

Oh yes. I forgot to mention that all of us have a mental age of 5.

After we finished, I opened my gifts. From Rachel, I got new Vera Bradley Bag, designer sandals and Uggs. From Sara, I got a Dairy Queen giftcard, different uggs, and the book Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass. From Auburn, I got a MacBook, $100 iTunes giftcard and an iPod shuffle. I thanked them all so much- I loved the gifts! We ate the ice cream cake and then gossiped before they had to go home.

"Thanks for coming!" I called out to them.

"Anytime Tay!" Sara giggled. "And all the time." She was right. They did spend a lot of time at my house. As they left, I saw Cameron's car pull up. He walked in the house, said hi to me and continued walking.

"Cam?" I called after him.

"Ya?" he turned to face me.

"Umm.." I froze. I don't know why I called his name. "We haven't talked In a while.. I also wanted to know if you had an idea for where we could go for my birthday dinner."

"Umm.. ya we haven't talked in a while. And how about Olive Garden? I know it's your favorite."
He knew my favorite restaurant? I know I've mentioned it multiple times by the fact that he remembered it shocked me.

"You remembered that?"

"Ya.. I remember a lot of things about you." he sent me his signature smirk.

"Selfie?" I asked him.

"Oh yes." We both whipped out our phones and took a double selfie. We posted them on Instagram and laughed at the comments on his page.

@_glitterprincess: OMG Cam you and your sister look exactly alike.

@crazyfreak98: OMG your gorg @tay_dallas

We both started laughing at the next comment.


We cracked up. But then the laughing stopped when we read the next comment.

@fabulousgiraffe: I hate you with a burning passion. Your vines are stupid and you should go die in a hole.

"What the..." I said at the the same time Cameron realized I had read the comment and tried to scroll away from it. He had an icy glare on his face.

"Hey Cam?"

"What?" he answered coldly.

"Umm what was that about?"

"People are idiots. that's what."

"Oh, okay." I stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I guess people are just mean. That's why I never put you in my vines. I don't want you to get hate too."

"It's okay Cam." I gave him a big hug. He stood there awkwardly before hugging me back. "I love you, Cam." I muttered.

"I love you, too Tay." He responded. With that we said goodnight and headed to our rooms. I put on my favorite Aeropostale pajamas. As I laid in my bed, I realized how weird it felt that I was going to be thirteen the next time I got up.


Cameron's POV

She has no idea. I feel so terrible that me and Taylor fight so often. I wish I could take it all back. Her sobs still haunt me. The sobs that I caused. But I can only hope that this will make up for it.

I got her the most amazing birthday present ever. (and no I won't spill it yet). Of course I kind of got it for free, but she didn't need to know that.

I can only hope that she won't find out about how I got it.


Oh well. Aside from the most amazing gift ever, I also got her an iPhone 5s and the dress she had been wanting forever. It was a white lace dress from Abercrombie and came to about mid-thigh on her.

And with that thought I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.

[Next Morning]

I woke to a loud rapping on the door that split my room from the bathroom that me and Taylor share.


I groaned loudly and looked at my alarm clock. 8:02. I slowly dragged my self out of bed and chose out a quick outfit: t-shirt and jeans. I walked into the bathroom and my hair was a mess. I just combed my hair and gelled it up. I stood there and admired my hair. And about five minutes into it, I noticed Taylor standing there, watching me.

"You have such a big head." She smirked, shaking her head. I followed her down the stairs where a giant box sat in the living room. Like GIANT. It was at least 6 feet tall and 7 feet wide with a bow the size of my head. I could see Tay jumping up and down beside me and it was all I could do not to take a picture.

Tay's POV

After Cameron finally came downstairs, I saw a massive box in the living room. Like MASSIVE. It was like you could fit One Direction in there!

I ripped the bow off the top and attempted to open the top of the box, after ripping off the wrapping paper. My dad cleared his throat. I looked at him. He pointed to a small opening on the side of the box. I ripped open the box and I was beyond disappointed when I didn't see anything in there. I walked in and used my phone as a flashlight.

And I was even more disappointed when there was nothing in there.

I was about to yell at my dad, but before I could, he closed the opening. I ran to it and began pounding on it, but my father had a firm grip. After a Long time and a lot of shuffling, my father opened the door.

I was about to tell him off.

Then, I saw it.

And I was at a loss for words.


So what did she see?? I don't even know yet hahah.

Anyway sorry the chapter is really short and stupid, but I haven't even BEGAN to get to the good part yet so haha.

Alright well

And love Hayes Grier



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