Chapter 5

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Nathan took the seat next to me and smiled. I sent a nervous smile back and turned to look out my window. The flight attendant went over her safety stuff and the announced we would be taking off in a minute or so. Thats when I started to panic.

I noticed Nathan's hand on my wrist as my heartbeat picked up. My breathing got heavy and I started to feel terror washing in.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, umm..." My words sounded rushed. " Not really, no."

"First time flying?"

"Yeah." I gulped.

"Well I can help you with that." He grabbed my hand, holding it securely between both of his. My cheeks got hot and I turned to look out my window. Nathan's hand rested on on my cheek.

I looked into his eyes, and I was instantly lost in a gray pool that was deeper than even remotely possible.

"How old are you?" he asked. I looked to see my brother listening to music on his phone.

"13," I said.

"Me too."

"Why do you ask?"

"Cause then it wont be wrong when I do this." I was about to ask him what he meant when he smashed his lips on to mine.


I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to kiss her, put her under my charm. The plane was off the ground already and we had had our lips pressed together for at least 20 seconds by now. I leaned back, knowing she would need to breathe.

There was one thing I needed from her, and that was fame.

I needed to become close to her brother. I didn't care about her, but if the only way to be famous would be to date her, thats what I would do.


When he finally pulled away, I knew he wasn't the one, sure, he was a great kisser. And sure it was my first kiss, but there was no meaning, no passion, but maybe thats what a kiss is supposed to feel like? I didn't know, but I knew it wasnt right. I mean, I didnt even know him! Maybe- just maybe - I liked him, but I dont think I'll ever love him.

"Nathan..." I breathed, "We cant do this. I'm sorry, but we can't."

"Why?" he said, too much disappointment coated his words, making it seem fake.

"I don't think theres any passion between it. I'm sorry."

"Fine then." He growled. "I guess if you hate me so much i should let you know, I dont love you, I love your fame. I want to be famous and I will make it to the top. Later." With that, he got up from his seat and headed towards the back, leaving me stunned.

That boy is gonna pay.


Short chapter ik

ive been killed with homework and i have state testing this week.

so im sorry,

ill update before next saturday.

loving hayes

he'll be in the book shortly.



hey now its march 29 and i just found this and its done and i meant to post it weeks ago... im the worst

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