Chapter 4

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A/N: OMG half a thousand reads! tysm!

Taylor's POV


I slammed down the snooze button and sat up. I glanced at my phone. 7:01. We were leaving at 7:30 because our flight is at 8:30. I'd better go wake Cam.

I silently opened his door, glass of water in hand.

"Cam, wake up!" I whisper yelled. "CAM!"

He didn't wake up.

So, after taking one more sip from the cup of water, I dumped it on Cameron's head.

"WHAT THE FRICK!?" he yelled in my face.

"Time to wake up." I smirked and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and devoured it, core and all.

I bounced up the stairs and checked my phone again. 7:15. I brushed my teeth and put my dark brown hair into a messy bun. I need to get some natural highlights. Cameron appeared next to me, his hair still wet.

"Morning! You ready to go?!" He questioned cheerfully.

"Woah, where did that enthusiasm come from?" I asked.


"I don't know." I admitted. But really, I did. This was the first time I'd ever seen her so excited about something. Usually, Tay kept her feelings pretty well hidden.

"Well it's 7:25, so we'd better go." she said happily. I nodded and followed her out of the bathroom.

We exchanged goodbyes with our parents and hopped into the Land-rover. I wanted to make sure I had everything, so I checked my wallet for the third time.

We began the short drive to the airport in awkward silence. I couldn't take it any longer so I asked, "You excited?"

"Yes! Cam I don't think it told you yesterday how much of a thoughtful gift this is! And it must have cost so much... you didn't have to do that for me." she responded.

I didn't, I thought to myself.

"Ehh, it wasn't that expensive." I said.

A long silence was soon filled by the radio as we arrived at the airport.

Tay beamed at me as we grabbed our backs put of the trunk of the car. I smiled back cheekily.

We went in the front entrance and my manager greeted us both with a smile.

Taylor's POV

I was terrified.

Never, not once in my life, had I EVER been on an airplane.

And to say I was freaking out would be an understatement.

Sure, Cameron had traveled places before. But I had never even left our little town of Morseville, North Carolina.

What if the plane crashes?

What if we go too high and loose all oxygen?

There are so many risks

and even though this might be the worst mistake of my life

I didn't want to take any of them.

*Spongebob Narrator Voice*

A few moments later...

As I handed the woman my first class ticket, she grinned and said, "Have a nice flight!" Cam and I walked through a small hallway and onto the plane. Our flight was leaving in 10 minutes. And by now, I was shaking. Me and Cameron had row 3, seats A and C, so someone would be in between us.

When I was finally situated and thought that there wouldn't be anyone sitting next me, a boy with the most gorgeous grey eyes and bright smile stopped by my row.

"Hey," he said, his voice low. "I'm Nathan and I guess I'll be sitting in between you."

AN: Soooooo sorry for the short update! And I'm late on the dead line ugh I'm the worst... Once again im sorry the story sucks, i know it does lol but yeah... i know theres a lot of mistakes so just comment where you see one please! Thanksss


And IT WILL BE AT LEAST 1000 words!!


Also- how are you picturing Taylor and Nathan? Comment (celebs) below!

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