Chapter 5: The Hack

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Marcus decided that since I was so good, I should trot, and I did! It was different and weird at first, then I got used to it. I'm glad I got to do something other than just walk. He even said that I was ready to go on a hack if I wanted to. I said thanks and went to pet Swan, of course.
Pin was still ignoring me for the most part, but if he was gonna be tough,  then I was gonna be to. So when he came into Swan's stall to clean it, I left and went home.


The next day, since it was Saturday, I went to breakfast with dad. We didn't talk about much, mostly his new job. Afterwards, I excused my self to the stable. There I was petting Swan when Marcus came in.

"He has never been this calm, how do you do it?" Marcus asked.

"I don't know, it just happens." I responed.

"Well, maybe you can keep him calm during training for us." He said very nonchalantly, while walking to get major for me to ride. He looked over his shoulder at me and saw how happy I was. A small smile creeped across his face. We went to get Major and as Marcus was getting the tack, Pin came up to me.

"So, I was wondering, since you haven't been round the Island much, would you like to go for a hack today?" He said.

"What's with the addiatude change, mister?" I asked

"Well, I figured out that we really should get along, because we are going to be spending so much time together anyways." He told me, looking a bit scared.

"I agree," I said, softening up a bit, " And I would love to go on a hack with you." Marcus came back with the saddle and  I told him that I was going for a hack with Pin as we were tacking up. He seemed fine with it, so Pin hopped on Elvis and we rode to the beach.

He helped me of Major by grabbing my waist and as he plopped me down, we were just centimeters apart. We tied the horses up and sat down on the beach together. We talked and talked, I almost told him about my mum, but I decided not to.

As we were sitting there, he slowy put his arm around my shoulders. I nestled my head into his chest and he put his head on top of mine. We fell asleep and were only awakened by the sound of our horses winning about being tied up to long. As my eyes fluttered open, I realized that it was already dark out.

"Shit, I can't get home in the dark." I said.

"My house is not far from here. Its the weekend, so it would be fine." Pin suggested. 

"Um.. Ok, I guess so, just let me text some people." I said. I texted my dad saying that I was sleeping at Beckys with Jade. Then I texted Becky to tell my dad that Jade and I were there if he called and asked. After I got the ok from both of them, I got up and walked to Major. I got up on him and started to follow Pin to were ever he lived.

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