Chapter 2: Welcome to Bright Fields

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The school day ends and I meet up with Becky and Jade, they seem far to excited for this.

"So are we going or what?" I ask.

"Were going, were going" they say with huge smiles on their faces.

As we enter the yard, all I see is a beautiful collage of people and horses. Then Becky an Jade disappear into it and reapper a moment later with horses.

"This is Bob, and he thinks its horseome that your here" Becky says.

"Ok... and who is this?" I ask shifting my attention to Jade's horse.

"This is Clara, and she is happy you are here." Jade says, Clara then gives an approving snort. As they start getting there horses tacked up, Marcus approaches me.

"Hey, glad you came, do you want to ride or should I put you to work with Pin?" He asks and points with his thumb over his shoulder to a slightly older boy. Who is mucking out the stalls, he looks up at me and we lock eyes, only for a few seconds. But apparently that is to long for Marcus and he gets my attention back and asks me again if I wanna ride. I nod yes, my mind still thinking about... Pin, was it?


Marcus shows me the horse I am going to ride, his name is Major, and I like him. But when we are getting him I noticed the horse in the stall next to him, who is quite loud. I ask about him and Marcus says that he is to wild to be ridden but they are trying to train him. As we are tacking up Major, I notice that he has calmed down and is looking out at me, he is a beautiful colour of almost solid white. I read the name plate and see that his name is Swan. Interesting I think to my self. We finish tacking up Major and I got to ride a little bit, it was amazing and all I thought about was the ride, it was so freeing.

"You know, you really are a natural rider" Marcus tells me after.

"Thanks" I said

"So, uh, Katie, do you want to go out with me for ice cream some time?" Marcus asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry Marcus, but I just don't like you like that, don't get me wrong, you are a nice guy and you have a nice face, but your just not my type." I reply, Becky and Jade are riding in the next field over and are watching this whole exchange. I glance over Marcus' shoulder and see Jade cover Beckys mouth just as she is about to say something, both of them have looks of shock on there faces. Marcus is frozen in place, I bet no girl has ever rejected him before, and I take Major back in to the yard and Becky and Jade follow. The whole time all I can think about is Pin.

"What the hell was that?" Becky asks, as they start to help me with untacking Major.

" I rejected him, which I bet no girl has ever done before." I respond.

" 'You have a nice face', what kind of rejection is that?" Jade asks.

"I just told him what he wanted to hear, and I said it nicely, besides, I have my eye on someone else" with this, I glance up into one of the stalls, which Pin is cleaning, and as he hears this he looks up at me and we lock eyes once again.

"No way, Katie, you have only been living in the real world for a day and you have been asked out, you rejected someone, and now you have your sites set on someone else, I usually only get one of those a day, and its never the first two." Jade spews, and she beaks the eye contact between Pin and I with out knowing. We all burst out laughing and the joke even earns a small smile from Pin, who the girls finally notice is here.

"Oh, this is Pin" Becky says leading me over to him. "Pin, this is
Katie, she is new to school and the stables."

"Hey, Katie, welcome to Bright Fields." Pin says.

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