Chapter 3: Who is Swan

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I look at the time and realize that I should be home.

"I should get going, dads probably waiting for me. Bye guys" I say, waving and walking away, making sure I look at everyone, but my eyes keep going back to Pin.

"Bye" they all say, Marcus is still standing in the middle of the arena. Pin trys to not show me any attention, but fails. And the girls are completely oblivious.


I find my way home and see that dad has just finished making dinner. We sit down and eat.

"So how was your first day of public school, and why were you home so late?" My dad asks, mid bite, he has never had very good maners.

"It was good, nothing interesting in particular happened" I decide to leave out the part with Marcus.

"Ok" says dad, " now for the part about being so late"

"Well, I met some girls who ride horses, and they invited me to the stable after school, its not very far, so I chose to go and I got to ride a horse for the first time." I say very happily.

"That's wonderful, Katie, I was just thinking about getting you in a club or something, so that you had something else to do." Dad said lovingly, "Wait, do I have to buy you anything or pay for something, oh god, I don't have to buy you a horse, do I?" I could tell he was a bit frightened.

"No dad, they have a horse I can ride and I can do it for free, its all fine, I will be going over every day after school, and probably most weekends. But we can still have Saturday morning just for us." I tell my father, he seems very relived.

"Good, now do you want to watch a movie, or are you to tired tonight?" He asks.

"Sorry dad, but I'm to tired tonight" I say. We finish eating and clean up. I go to bed with my mind racing, all about Pin and Marcus, my riding lesson, and especially Swan, he just seems so interesting, and I want to know more about him. I text Becky to see if she knows anything about him.

-Becky, hey its Katie and I was wondering if you knew anything about Swan?

-Hey, all I know is that he is wild and from the mainland, I think its something like his owners didn't want him but couldn't sell him, so he ended up here, as far away as possible.

- Wow, I can't believe it, do you think I could help train him?

- Whoa, slow down, you have only ridden a horse once and that would be very dangerous, I got to go, see you later.


So he was abandoned, wow, he seems to calm down when I am around so maybe I could do something with that. I fall asleep slightly more fulfilled.

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