41. Indecent

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 When they returned to camp, Rai did not want to wake the others by getting back into the tent. Instead, she lay down directly outside of it on the ground. Reno sat against the bottom of a tree and was amused by Rai's ridiculous level of consideration for others.

"What're you doing?" he whispered.

"Sleeping," she responded, opening her eyes to answer him.

"Outside the tent?"

"I don't want to wake anyone. You got a better idea?"

"Sure," he patted his thigh. "Come here." She glanced briefly in his direction, unsure if she really wanted to take him up on his offer. "I ain't got all day, woman. Come on." Rai had no grounds to argue with him as she stood up, dusting herself off. She had just been pressed up against him a few minutes ago but she was still anxious as she walked over slowly. It seemed odd to her to sit on someone so she sat next him instead. Reno lifted her by both arms easily and placed her on his lap.

"There," he declared. "Was that so hard?"

She was afraid to look at him, thinking he would know exactly what was going on in her mind. His body was warm and as he shifted beside her, she could smell him. She remembered smelling his pillow back in Port Diadem. No one knew about that and she intended for that knowledge to die with her. As he adjusted her on his lap a bit more comfortably, Rai could feel how firm his arms were. She was sitting on him sideways; her right shoulder against his chest, her butt between his legs and her legs were bent over his right thigh. She was holding her feet close to her body with her left hand.

Reno wanted to have Rai close but she was now so close, it came with new challenges. He could see straight down the open folds of her buttoned shirt where her breasts were squished together. He wondered how far she would be willing to allow him to go. The scent of her skin made him want to taste her again and it made him wonder what it felt like inside of her.

In that brief moment of curiosity, Reno imagined throwing Rai back onto the dirt. Grabbing both her hands in one of his and pinning them to the ground above her head as he looked down at himself between her legs while she simply watched him without a hint of expression. He looked down at her body and she remained stoic as he pulled her shirt open. He smiled at her and she finally smiled back and whispered, "I knew I was right about you."

Rai adjusted herself a bit, her hips brushing up against his groin and he nearly gasped. "Damn, woman," he winced, "could you possibly be less careless?"

"Sorry," she raised her shoulders a bit and crossed her arms. "Did I hurt you?"

"No." He closed his eyes, turning away from her as he chased away the desire to fulfill his fantasy. It was getting increasingly more difficult for him to think about something other than the pressure of her body against his length. "There is no way you don't know what you're doing."

"What?" Reno finally looked at her face but did not seem convinced by her question. He stood watching her, waiting to see if she would break and admit that she was intentionally leading him on. "Stop staring at me," she almost laughed, turning away. "It feels weird."

Reno placed his hand on her thigh. "Have you ever been with a man?"

She raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly, "I'm with you right now."

He wrapped his other arm around her shoulders, pulling her tighter against him, even though it meant applying even more pressure against his member. "I mean intimately." She still seemed confused and her brow furrowed as she thought about the question. "Let me rephrase that: are you really a virgin? I mean, I assume but I don't really know."

"I had a boyfriend once. When I was twelve. He was kind of annoying. We never even kissed. I was too shy."

"So if we were to... fuck then I would be your first?" He faced her and was slightly surprised that their eyes met and she did not turn away from him.

"Yeah. If."

Even Rai was amazed that she did not feel the need to hide her face from him. She wanted Reno to see her looking at him. She wanted him to know she was not going to run from him. He took her hand in his and extended his fingers between hers, never taking his eyes off her. She looked down at their hands when Reno kissed her slowly. He was surprised to feel her turn to him for more. When they finally slipped their mouths apart slowly, they rested their foreheads together. While weaving his fingers through her hair, Reno whispered, "you got careless. I'm an indecent influence, don't you know?"

"You know what?" she whispered back, closing her eyes and smiling. "I'll make an exception for you."

Rai realized that Reno had always been honest about what he wanted from her. She had her doubts about his motives but she enjoyed being treated like an equal for once. It occurred to her that she might never trust him, even if he did nothing to rouse any skepticism. Regardless of what his intentions might be, she wanted to be with him and was tired of fighting it.

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