25. Courtesy

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When they arrived at Diocus, they docked at a deserted port. The sky was full of what appeared to be one giant blanket of low clouds. There was a serious possibility of rain soon. Ken was unnerved to see that there was a truck parked nearby and was studying it with a spyglass. Debra was standing beside him, watching it as well. It seemed to be expecting them.

She spoke quietly, "is anyone inside?"

"Yeah but it's just the one guy. I don't know if he's going to be a problem."

"Don't worry about it. He's waiting for us," Reno told him closing a drawer on his nightstand.

Ken turned to him and stared blankly. "What did you do?" Ken seemed concerned and suspicious, holding the spyglass out to Debra.

"I used the communications system to contact this guy who owes me. He'll take us to Facidis."

Ken considered what Reno told him for a moment and came to a realization of something he was not happy about. "You were in the bridge... of my ship?"

"And?" asked Reno with a sweet smile. "It's not like I was alone. Your psychic escorted me."

"She let you in?"

Reno nodded and Ken gently slapped Debra's arm with the back of his hand. "Debra, go get her. Now."

"What exactly was I supposed to do?" Reno inquired innocently. "She was the one who offered me a blowjob. Was I supposed to say no?"

Rai came running up to Ken out of the hold. "What he told you, he's lying," Rai stated firmly, pointing over her shoulder at Reno "Idiot's just running his fucking mouth." Reno went closer to them so that he could watch at Rai as she spoke.

"So you didn't let him into the bridge, huh?" Ken asked.

"I did not let him. He went in himself."

"And you just didn't bother stopping him?"

"I was there. He got us a ride to Facidis. He didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't care about that. I gave you permission to be there! Not him!"

When there was silence, Reno muttered, "I suggest you end the topic here."

"Yeah?" Ken closed his eyes and stuck his hand in his hair, gripping it slightly. "Why?"

"Because I doubt your face is as durable as my fist."

Ken shook his head slowly and was about to speak when Debra came up and wrapped both her arms around one of his. "We're going to just go inside, huh?" she said, kissing his ear. He tilted his head away from her. "Yeah, we're going to go. Come on." She almost pulled him along with her into the hold.

Rai watched them curiously and was still watching the hold door after it closed. "Huh... weird."

"You look amazing," Reno told her quietly.

"You need to get your eyes checked," she responded flatly, waving him off. He went to stand in front of her and leaned forward, until he was only a few inches from her face. He saw her eyes widen as he came closer then stood staring at her for a moment. "Ugh, get out of my face." She stepped back from him and was about to leave.


"What?" Rai rolled her head back to look at him. He looked at her, appearing stern but remaining silent. "What?" she repeated louder. She felt like he was intentionally trying to make her uncomfortable.

"What're you going to do first when you get to Facidis?" he asked suddenly and turned to his nightstand, taking out a shirt. Rai sighed in relief now that his intense gaze was off her.

"Find the seller, I guess."


"I could probably just-" Reno started undoing the buttons on the shirt he was wearing and resumed watching her again. Rai kept her eyes locked with his, forcing herself not to look anywhere else or seem uncomfortable. "Ask random people until someone can tell me where to find them." He pulled his shirt off and put his current shirt away in the nightstand. Rai noticed his back and shoulders were covered with scars from stab wounds, gashes that healed oddly and pale stitch scars.

"Palaces use psychic healers." She knew Reno was going to make her regret saying anything. "You shouldn't have scars."

"Oh yeah? You looking?"

"A mere observation." She crossed her arms. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Oh? So you're not just looking? You're giving me a thorough inspection."

"Remind me to buy you a pocket pussy since you're not going to be fucking mine any time soon."

Reno tried not to smile as he threw on his clean shirt and approached Rai again. "Courtesy of the Head General. He had to approve a healing and when he did, he never allowed me to be healed completely. Just enough. He believed that pain and scars would help me remember my mistakes."

"Did it?"

Reno laughed and pulled his shirt open. "Does it look like I ever learned anything?"

"Not really. No."

"But then most of these weren't mistakes at all." He looked down at himself and Rai approached him. "Most of these are... they're not from battle."

She pointed out a dark spot on the side of his abdomen. "What's that one?"

"Ohh," Reno said with a smile. "That's a fun one. Fire poker."


"You know, I don't even remember but it didn't take much. Maybe I said something stupid."

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