Author's Note

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Yes, that's the end. I know. I'm a little sad because there's only one more book to go in this series and I'm kind-of going through a crisis wondering what I'll write next. :)

I want to take the time to thank anyone who's made it this far. Whether you voted and commented on every chapter or just silently read it, I love you. You have no idea how happy am I as I've watched the numbers slowly climb on this book. I appreciate that you've taken some of your time to read one of my stories. Thank you for putting up with my cliffhangers...:) Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You're probably wondering which person will have the spotlight in the forth and final book. It's  going to be from the point of view of a character that you haven't even met yet. 

*pauses for suspense*

The final book, 274 is set about one and a half years after this book. Although the main characters in the first three books may make appearances throughout the story, I don't plan for them to be major characters. 

I know that since 274 is a lower number than all the other books, 986, 984, 987, In case you've forgotten, in the Complex, once the children become Officials, their number is 'recycled' and given to the newest group of kids that have arrived. 

Also, which book out of the three was your favorite? 

Thank you once again for reading! I love you all!

-Anne Brees

987 (Complex Series, #3)Where stories live. Discover now