Chapter Fourteen

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 “What?” I say.

Bridget can hardly contain her excitement, “Nathan was able to organize away for us to escape the entire Complex to the outside world. It turns out that the Disease has gone extinct. The Heads were actually supposed to let us out twenty-some years ago, but they are keeping us locked in here. There’s so much we have to learn, but we’re leaving in two days.”

They’ve been told the same thing as I have. They seem to believe it. Does that mean that I should believe them?

Before I have time to say anything, Canton asks, “Dana…don’t take this the wrong way…but how are you still alive?”

How do I explain how I’m still alive without mentioning Derek?

Jonathan beats covers for me, “I was able to keep her safe from Ellen.”

Brinn’s mouth falls open. In a hushed tone she asks, “You met Ellen?”

I shake my head, hoping I’m saying the right thing, “Just the Officials following her orders.”

I hate lying so much to them, but I’m saving their lives by doing it. I have no doubt that Jonathan is here to monitor what I say. He’ll have no problem in reporting me to Derek if I mess things up.

Brinn relaxes, “That’s better than Ellen herself. I can’t imagine meeting a Head. I think I would just die of fear if they so much looked at me, not to mention if they talkedto me.”

My mind instantly shifts to all the conversations I’ve had with Derek, but I just nod in fake agreement with Brinn.

I can’t keep the news of Sienna to myself anymore.

I smile, “I’ve got something exciting to tell you.”

“What is it?” Piper asks.

“Well, I had to share a room with this girl after I was captured.”

Bridget raises an eyebrow, “What does that have to do with anything?”

“The girl is Sienna and she’s still alive.”

Everyone grins and hugs.

A small tear runs down Bridget’s face, “Really?”

I nod, “Yeah, she’s…she’s suffering a lot. They are trying to torture information about her immunity out of her.”

I stare hard at Jonathan when I say this. He glares shamelessly back. How can he stand there, knowing what he has done to Sienna, and not show a sliver of guilt?

Brinn frowns, “But, she doesn’t know she’s immune, right? So…what can she say when their torturing her?”

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