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Last Chapter - [31]
With those words in mind, Chaeyoung left the hospital room, the tension finally faded but Dahyun fell to her chair, staring at the ceiling with weak movements. She smiled, chuckling with a bitter tone.

"You still care about her even after all she's done to you. You really are something Chaeyoung."

::Chapter 32::
-Third Person's POV-

Chaeyoung didn't know what to think, her whole life was getting into a mess she didn't want to be in. Her hands spread across the pillow as she hopelessly lays on her mattress. "A few months. So Sana has been dealing with the pain for that long." She mumbled.

"Strong girl." Chaeyoung quietly chuckled to herself, feeling as if the emptiness in her heart will never fade away. Each breath became a pain as she remembers all the things that happened these past few weeks.

Out of movement, Chaeyoung lazily grabbed her phone, her fingers hovering over a contact before she stared at it. Studying every detail of the information. Name, number, address, every single detail until she smiled and pressed the call button.

The ring went off, each sound sending an anxious yet empty like emotion across Chaeyoung's body.

"Hello?" The voice sounded confused. "Is anyone there?"

Chaeyoung waited patiently, the echo and smooth like tone gives her a sense of peace. Her smile fell but she still chose to speak, "Hi."

The other line went quiet, surprised to hear such a tired yet familiar voice. Chaeyoung sighed, her chest going up and down as she did so.

"Sorry to disturb you." Chaeyoung answered, awaiting for any response yet she didn't get any.

"Chaeyoung?" The voice stuttered.

"I just really needed to hear your voice right now," Chaeyoung knew she didn't feel anything at the moment but all she needed now was a friend, someone to be with,



"You what?"

"Chaeyoung was already here, do you really think I'll lie to her?" Two voices could be heard bickering in a private room which was close to Sana's current hospital room.

"Dahyun you're crazy. You know that Chaeyoung isn't in a good state right now." The elder one scolded, holding in her frustration as much as she can.

"Well, what have you done in that situation, Nayeon? Say to her that Sana's just stressed?" Dahyun chuckled, with an attitude in her tone, "She's not stupid. Sana even admitted it anyways, you think Chaeyoung will just ignore it? No, it's too late now."

Nayeon grunted, tiredly sitting on a nearby chair, her legs giving out under her. She hadn't slept for hours all because of the medical papers she had to deal with, regarding Sana. "I'm so tired. With everything." Nayeon grumbled, almost wanting to cry from all the stress.

Dahyun didn't provide any words of comfort as she herself felt the same. Stressed and just sad all together. There wasn't any positive atmosphere and even if there was, the situation was already so discouraging it would do nothing.

"Why can't everything go back to normal? When we all lived as normal university kids. Nothing like this." Nayeon covered her eyes with her jacket sleeve as her nose had started to get all stuffy.

Dahyun, with sympathy, gently rubbed Nayeon's back. "I know."

The eldest let out a loud sob, her cries gradually getting higher and higher which also started to hurt Dahyun on the inside. She didn't cry but she let Nayeon know that she understood. "There's only one more person we need to tell."

Nayeon didn't know what to do, the person that Dahyun was talking about is someone she really doesn't want to speak with at the moment. "Telling Mina is going to be difficult specially that Chaeyoung reacts this way."

Dahyun continuously rubbed Nayeon's back, not know how to respond, "But Chaeyoung's right. We need to tell Mina soon, or else it could hurt her even more."

Nayeon nodded, her sobs were the only thing that filled the room, accompanied by Dahyun. They both struggled to keep a positive attitude specially because of the fact that they both were so exhausted about everything.


"Thank you Nayeon." Dahyun waved goodbye as she sees the elder girl slowly fade away. Now it was only her and Sana inside the hospital room, the sound of the monitor becoming the only source of noise.

"It's interesting that she bought some food," Dahyun hummed, organizing the bedside table sitting near Sana's hospital bed, "She's usually buys the cheap one but this stuff looks good."

"Why didn't Chaeyoung wait for me to wake up.." Sana trailed off, her voice was raspy and barely audible to hear but Dahyun somewhat understood.

Dahyun stopped and glanced at Sana, who was tiredly holding a clean apple, "She needed to have time to herself." The younger one tried to let the negativity leave but it really wasn't working.

"Did she look hurt..?" Of course that was the first thing Sana asked. Something she always wondered if she were to tell Chaeyoung and Mina about the news of her health. Dahyun looked down, not wanting to lie.

Dahyun turned away, "Yeah."

Sana sighed, looking up at the ceiling, "I didn't want that."

"That just means she cares about you a lot Sana. It isn't your fault, ok?" Dahyun tried to send comfort words towards the Sana but it seemed to have not done anything this time. The elder girl let out a tired like laugh.

Sana sighed, looking away from Dahyun's state and giving her attention to the window, "Dahyun."

The younger girl hummed at the call, her focus tearing away from the food and switching to Sana. Dahyun watched as she sees her friend looking at the window withba distraught expression. "Am I a bother to you?"

Dahyun's eyes widened, instantly answering with a confident, "No! Of course not. Sana you're special to me, you are so important to my life." She ran over to Sana, blocking the view from the window and wrapping her arms around Sana, who was sitting up on the bed.

"I appreciate that." Sana wearily smiled, patting Dahyun's back who wouldn't let go.

"..ay." Dahyun's words weren't audible and Sana had to ask for clarification in which the younger girl gave, her eyes looking into Sana's.


"Please stay."


Thank you for reading this chapter🐧🐯

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