(4.7) Solution time!

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[Hey y'all, promise I'm not on hiatus, I just finished this chapter hella late and ended up missing a week. I'm so sorry but my life's been so unbelievably hectic the last couple weeks. Anyhoo, here's the long awaited chapter!]

"Oh, you're already here," Saishuu said as he entered the classroom the next morning. "I got your text, and of course you can stay with me, but... what kind of trouble?"

"Uh... brother trouble..." Shirota answered, hoping he wouldn't have to explain further. Saishuu didn't pry.

"Well you're welcome to come home with me after school," Saishuu told him, "long as you don't mind my siblings being there, that is."

Shirota recalled Saishuu mentioning that he had ten older siblings which seemed kind of ridiculous, but he didn't talk about them that much. Come to think of it, Saishuu almost never talked about personal stuff. He was kind of the mom friend, always more concerned for the rest of them than himself.

"Thanks Saishuu-kun, you're a real pal," Shirota said with a grateful smile.

"No problem."

"Ah, hello boys," greeted Nagisa as he returned from the staff room with fresh tea. "How are you doing Shirota?"

"I'm doing okay now," Shirota answered. "I'm gonna stay at Saishuu's place for the time being."

"Good plan," Nagisa said, "I hope you figure out something more permanent soon. And as I said, don't hesitate to call for help."

"So this is where you live..." Shirota looked up at the house as he and Saishuu walked their bikes up the driveway to the garage. It was a nice place, bigger than Shirota had expected, with a neatly clipped front lawn and a blooming cherry tree. "I don't think I've ever been here before."

"I don't think so either," Saishuu said pensively. "Usually when we hang out it's at Matsuraiken, or Akemi-chan's house, sometimes. I'm pretty sure I've never been to your place either."

"You wouldn't want to, trust me."

"Whatever you say," Saishuu said with a shrug, and led his friend to the front door. As soon as the door opened, Shirota heard yelling.

"That's my jacket!" screeched a female voice.

"They're literally exactly the same!" another shouted back in exasperation.

"But that one is mine!"

"There. Is. No. Difference!" A girl with spiky, dark green hair like Saishuu's and a stylish black coat descended the stairs quickly. "I have to go to work, I'm not going to argue anymore!"

"Fuyu-nee get back here!" Demanded the first voice as the young woman snatched a set of keys from a hook by the door and left without so much as a 'goodbye.'

Saishuu sighed and went to a closet on their right. He withdrew a coat just like the one worn by the woman who'd just left, and balled it up under his arm. He stepped to the side of the stairs as another woman, who looked nearly identical to the first except for her long hair, stormed down the stairs in a rage without noticing them.

Once she'd passed, Saishuu went upstairs and Shirota followed curiously. Once upstairs, they went through an open door at the end of the hallway on the right, and Saishuu threw the coat haphazardly on one of the beds. Then he left the room and went back downstairs to find the woman with the longer hair glaring at the closed door.

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