Save Me|Wally x Reader

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.........I was wondering if I could have a Wally x Reader one-shot, where the reader and Wally are together but Team Flash does not know. But one day Wally saves the reader from an evil villain and Team Flash come in to see you two (really fluffy). They congratulate Wally on the win and make sure you're okay. Cisco or Harry say something in response that'll leave the conversation awkward.
My response:
I might add a little extra to the story. There's not much there for me to go off. For example: how th villain takes the reader and if they have been hurt or not? If that makes sense? Does Team Flash come in on them at S.T.A.R Labs or wherever the reader was abducted/taken. And if the two of them got out into the open (relationship). Anyways, enjoy❤️❤️

"Wally, we need to keep it undercover." You sighed at him.
He's been nagging about how he thinks it's time for the others to know about the two of you. You've been dating for months now.
"Sorry for trying to show my love and affection for you anytime I want? I don't see the problem with it."
You rolled your eyes at his response.
"You're making it seem like you don't care." Wally said.
"It's not that I don't care! The team is already busy fighting crime every night and not to mention Zoom. So, please, excuse me for trying not to distract them." You spat.
Wally groaned in frustration as he walked out of the room. "I'm out of here."

This isn't the first time he's walked out of an argument. He'll be back later. That's the least of your worries.
It's not that you don't care about him or the relationship. You just think that saving the team and the people of Central City is much more important right now. When you have time for a relationship, you'll have time.

"Baby shower invitation for Iris?" H-R read out loud from the cortex. "That's ridiculous. So.. haha, no thanks Linda. Iris already has a regular shower that she could use whenever she wants. "
You giggle at his confusion as Iris snatched the small envelope away from him.
You notice Wally in the corner of the room listening to music. You don't bother to go talk to him, feeling he needed his space. But he looked so good, and handsome, you couldn't help but stare.
"Ooh, boys are nice to look at it really worth it sis?" Caitlin smirked.
"It's not like that." You grinned, knowing it's exactly like that.
"I wonder if anyone notices I only wear like three pairs of jeans.." H-R mumbled to himself as he drummed his thighs.
"H-R, quiet down." You laughed.

"Anyways, Caitlin." You said. "I'm going back home. My parents are expecting me for dinner tonight."
"Ouch." Caitlin cooed. "Good luck."
"I'll need it. They won't stop talking about me moving into my apartment."
"I know how that one feels. My mother wasn't the best.." Caitlin nodded. "Well, see you tomorrow?"
"Always." You smiled.
"Bye guys." You waved to everyone.
Wally got up to give you a hug, and you gladly accepted.
"I love you." He whispered into your ear, 100% sure no one heard it.
You nodded as if you were saying "I love you, too." He noticed, which he smiled to.
"I'll be over later tonight to help you with your Chemistry?" Wally asked for reassurance.
You weren't sure what he was talking about but you just agreed to it.
"Oh yeah. I'm totally failing that class." You groaned. "I need all the help I can get."
"I could help you tomorrow afternoon?" Caitlin asked.
You smiled. Because you were actually failing that class.
"Please?" You smiled at her.
"Sure!" Caitlin nodded.
You ran to give her a hug as well, afterwards, you then grabbed your backpack.
"I really gotta go, guys! I don't want my parents to worry. So..see ya tomorrow!"

You ran out of the building as fast as you could. Your parents are going to start freaking out if you're even five minutes late.
You were running down a long sidewalk when you heard someone running behind you. You turned your head around, but still running, and no one was there. You shook it off as your imagination, and let it go.
But when you felt a sharp pain in your neck for a millesecond, your mind started to freak out. You collapsed to your knees. Your fingers found their way to your neck, pulling out a tiny tranquilizing dagger, it seemed. 
"Hey kid, you look a bit lost. Need some help?"
The person let out a small chuckle, hovering over you.
"W-What? You.." Your eyes felt heavy, like you were going to sleep.
"What were you saying?" The person asked. "I couldn't hear you."
Admittedly, you didn't plan to get abducted by an unknown person on the night of your family dinner plans, but sometimes life throws you a curve-ball.

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