Barry x Reader|Breakup

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Breakup. Very sad, I suppose? Please forgive me.

You sat there.
The thought of you losing Barry kept going through your head. He was your boyfriend of three years, after all. Of course you'd be upset about it.
So you sat there, writing the note you planned to give to him. You tried your best for you tears not to reach the paper, but one or two fell anyways.

"After our breakup I am unbelievably hurt for what seems like the longest time ever. I think of you and us constantly. I don't know how to move on without you. I thought I moved on but I was only fooling myself. These past months I've tried  convincing myself that I was over you, but the truth is, I'm not. I never was. I was only distracted. Now all I do is think about you and miss you so much to an extent that I can't even describe and that's all I do...
Sincerely, (Y/N)"
And there you had it. Completely sobbing.

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