Wild Nights|Cisco x Reader

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Can I request? I'm actually new here on your account, so I don't really know what to do and how to request...
But I'm really boring so I'm going to request an imagine with Cisco on a stormy night being all sweet and fluff. Yay, thanks.
My feedback:
Welcome to my books 🤣 hope you enjoy this one. It may be super short since you didn't add much detail but I'll try!

"Movie night?" Cisco asked as he walked past your room. You lifted your eyes that were glued to your book expecting to see him, but only to be disappointed.
Your attention turned to the window. The rain was sliding down the glass in an unusually forceful way.
"Depends on which movie." You sighed, looking back down at your book.
"How about-" You hear him grunt as something got knocked over. "Epic?"
"Saw it." You hummed.
"Marmaduke?" He asked.
"We watched it two weeks ago, babe." You reminded him.
"Hm.. okay." Cisco walked past again. "You choose then."
"Can we watch anime?" You asked, suddenly interested.
"Depends on which one..." He mumbled.
You set your book on the nightstand in order to focus on which anime you'd like to watch.
"Oh my gosh- can we please watch Naruto?"
Cisco heard you clumsily climb off of the bed with a huge thud, followed by slaps on the ground from your hands and knees as you crawled to the doorway.
"Please?" You look up at him.
"Did you just fall?" Cisco asked.
The sound of thunder interrupted your conversation, making Cisco jump.
"Holy crap." He said. "It's pretty bad out there tonight."
"I love storms!" You exclaimed with a smile.
Cisco smiled as he yawned widely, stretching in between.
"How much sleep have you been getting?" You asked.
"Uh..not enough?" Cisco said.
You sighed, standing to your feet.
"Shame on you."
Cisco smiled down at your shortened height.
"Have I told you recently that you're utterly gorgeous?" Cisco smirked.
"No," you hummed, your eyes soft and lips curled with amusement. "Remind me."
"Sure thing, beautiful." Cisco smirked.
The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, movies, and kisses. That was until Cisco fell soundly asleep on your shoulder not even 40 minutes into snuggling.

The end. Okay thank you. This was not good at all :((( I'll try a surprise one shot for you with Cisco in the future, I promise💖

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