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Boyoung couldn't believe what she saw. Her best friend, Kim Haerin, was fixing her bra in the middle of the stage in front of all the Idols, Actors and Staff members while holding the microphone to sing Madonna's Like A Virgin. Boyoung sensed that the actress was planning something, but she couldn't get a hang of what Haerin was doing.

The song started, and Haerin started to shake her hips a little bit before she started to sing the song with a heavy Korean accent. 

She moved her body to the music and her team members clapped and cheered on her. Boyoung bit her lip and leaned towards Taeyeon—she didn't want to bother the men in her team with her weird teenage girl questions. "Unnie? Is it just me or is Haerin... Is she trying to..." Boyoung didn't have to finish the sentence as Taeyeon had already answered.

"She's trying to impress Lucas."

Boyoung stared at Taeyeon before looking over to Lucas who was watching the stage, clapping along to the other SM Artists, while Haerin touched her boobs on the stage. Boyoung rolled her eyes. She didn't recognize her best friend anymore. Since when was shy and innocent Kim Haerin a femme fatale?

"H-How do you know it's Lucas' she's trying to impress?" - "She's only looking at him. I've been in her position before so I know how that looks like." Boyoung widened her eyes and turned away from Haerin, only looking at Taeyeon. "You wanted to impress someone with your performance?" The eighteen-year-old actress asked and the singer nodded.

"I've been young and it was my very first SM Party. I was crushing really hard on that one staff member and I wanted him to see me as a woman, not an Idol." - "Did it work?" - "Sadly no. But I got standing ovations." Taeyeon laughed and turned back to the stage.

Boyoung chuckled. Taeyeon was a funny and nice Sunbae and she really appreciated her work. The actress tilted her head, leaning into Minho a little bit while Haerin did her turns and spins on the stage. "Haerin's going all out," Minho said and Boyoung nodded.

"This song is really important to her." She whispered, but Minho didn't answer.

Boyoung was feeling blue. Haerin singing Like A Virgin for Lucas gave her a weird feeling. Something she had to top. She needed to be the one that impressed Lucas. Not Kim Haerin.

Boyoung didn't know where this train of thought came from, but she was sure she had to sing something that would stay in Lucas' head and she had a tiny idea of what to sing. 

After Haerin, a few other Idols went to sing. Even NCT's handsome manager sang a ballad. And then the staff member who was working the Karaoke Machine called Boyoung's name.

Boyoung stood up from her chair and her team cheered on her. Boyoung and Lucas' eyes locked for a second and she gave the boy a warm smile, to which he replied with an even bigger smile. 

Her heart beat like crazy when she walked up to the stage and took the microphone in her hands. She could hear Huang Renjun yell from the other side of the room, "Yoo Boyoung Fighting!".

"What will you sing, Boyoung-sshi?" The staff member asked and Boyoung licked her lips, holding the microphone really tight. "愛你 by Kimberly Chen." Boyoung stuttered and felt her heart beat in her chest. If Haerin could impress Lucas with singing an English song, Boyoung would go out of her comfort zone and sing him a Chinese song.

The slow melody started and Boyoung closed her eyes for a second. She knew the words to the song by heart so she didn't even have to look at the screen. The microphone tight in her hands she didn't move a centimeter like the other Idols that were dancing and bouncing around the stage. Or like Haerin, who put up a Gravure Stage.

Boyoung's team members were loudly cheering for her. Changmin turned to Minho, "I didn't know her Chinese was this fluent!" He said while Boyoung started to sing stronger on the stage. Minho quickly answered Changmin that Boyoung had trained in Hong Kong for a while. But the singer's eyes were on Lucas, who stared at the stage with sparkling eyes.

Taeyeon saw Lucas reaction to Boyoung's choice as well and smiled. She now understood why Boyoung was asking such weird questions before. "She likes him," Taeyeon said to Changmin and Minho and latter opened his mouth. "Wait, what?" - "Boyoung, she's keen on Lucas. I don't know if it's romantically or platonic, but she likes him." Taeyeon smiled.

"Boyoung had been asking weird questions all day, and when Haerin sang Like A Virgin directly towards Lucas, she was almost jealous." Taeyeon smiled. "That's stupid. Lucas is not her type!" Minho said and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"But look at her, Minho. She is singing this for Lucas. And not for the contest."

Lucas, on the other hand, was star struck. He didn't know Boyoung was able to speak Chinese. Her Korean accent was rather cute and he couldn't stop looking at how beautiful she looked under the lights on the little stage. She didn't move much, but just the way she slightly rocked her body from side to side while belting the ballad, was enough to send his heart in a frenzy.

He now understood why Renjun had such a fat crush on the actress; she was pure, innocent and a natural beauty. It was easy to speak to her and the way she smiled made the sun jealous. He understood why movie directors and drama production crews wanted to star her. 

She was...

"Gorgeous!" Lucas let out and stood up when Boyoung belted out the high notes at the end. His hands clapped immediately once Boyoung finished the song with the last words and slowly opened her eyes. And there her heart stopped, seeing Lucas standing, applauding her.

But then her eyes moved to Haerin who looked disappointed. And Boyoung knew something bad was going to happen. Because when Kim Haerin was disappointed or frustrated, a storm was coming up. And this storm was going straigh in Boyoung's direction.

Hello Guys! Long time no see~ 

I just came to say Thank You because we reached the tenth chapter of Lucas & Boyoung, and for me, the tenth chapter is always something special. I really hope you like this story so far. We're slowly moving towards the first plot twist. I wonder if y'all already smell the drama coming up^^

Also, I link the MV to Kimberly Chen's song down so y'all can watch it. She's on Produce 101 China—I'm not sure if it's still on or not, but please check out her audition, she's amazing. I've been her fan since her album "Kimberly" dropped in 2012^^

Anyways, here's the MV and we see us next time!

— Inês, 2018.07.08

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