Chapter 7; I remember....

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Grace POV

"So, you and Ryan are fighting again huh?"

I snap my head at my Mother. "How did you know?"

She takes my hand. "Oh, your very easy to read.... plus, he usually comes over after school and when he doesn't it because you two aren't getting along."

I sigh and sit cross legged even though were not allowed to have our feet on the couch. That's been a rule that my mom had ever since me
and Ryan were kids. Though we always disobeyed, my Mom just decided to let it slide.

"It's him Mom, I swear. He's been acting stupid all day.... I mean stupider than usual."

"Oh Grace, your so dramatic." she says as she gets up and goes into the kitchen. Maybe to check on the apple pie we just put in the oven.

"Okay, whatever you say dearest Mother." I yell to her.

I check my phone to see the date.


It's been five days since the last time I even looked at Ryan. And let me tell you, it's not easy when we sit at the same table at lunch. I just need my space.

"So it just needs to cool off then we can dig in." Mom says as she sits next to me and starts rubbing my head.

"Mom, stop. Your messing up my hair." I take her hand and lay it on her lap.

"Hey, don't take your kiddy drama out on me."

"Mom, I'm not. I just don't want you to mess up my hair. I comb it endlessly for a reason."

"Oh that was you? I thought the cat was shedding again."

"Mom!" I can't believe she just said that. She's being so mean. I don't even shed like that.

What am I saying? I don't shed at all! "I'm already stressed about the whole Ryan thingy, okay."

"Just forgive that poor boy. Invite him over for a slice of pie. It will be the perfect chance for you to say sorry."

"Sorry for what? Mom, didn't see it! The way he punched Nick, the look on his face. It kind of scared me."

"You over exaggerate."

"No. No, I do not."

She starts chuckling. "Remember when we went to the arts and crafts store for the first time?"

"MOM! I was like seven!"

He chuckle turns into loud laughs. "I know, but you look so funny in those pictures."

"Give me a chance and I'll burn all of them pictures." I mumble.

"Just invite him Grace."

"I don't want to see his face."

"He'll eat the pie and leave without a trace."

I stare at her. "What are you doing?"


"Well, stop it please."

She sighs and walks upstairs. I'm pretty sure I heard her mumble "Haters going to hate." But whatever.

The smell of Apple pie suddenly captures me. It smells good. And it's going to taste great knowing that me and Mom made it from scratch. Thank you online baking classes. Without you, it'd be another disaster like last time.

I still haven't figured out how cake batter got on the ceiling in the dinning room. We were working in the kitchen the whole time so how?

"You know, I couldn't invite Ryan even if I wanted to." I yelled up the stairs to my Mom.

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