Chapter 5; I Really Don't Care

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Grace POV

This can't be happening.

It just can't.

I was never this lucky and never will be. That is a fact truly on its own.

This is the best day of my entire life!

All I can do is smile like an idiot when I see 'hmu' in my comments..... FROM NICK! This is truly the best day of my life, without a doubt!

I get dressed in a flowy tink top that says 'Unicorns R US', put on galaxy tights, and purple Vans. My hair is naturally strait so I just comb it through. I don't put make up on. I mean I have it but it's for special occasions.

"MOM! I'M LEAVING FOR SCHOOL! SEE YOU LATER!" I yell as I grab my book bag and make my exit.

I close the door behind me and lean against it. "Today.... is destiny." I say mentally. I start walking to Ryan's house because we always walk to school together and it feels weird having the sidewalk all to myself.

Just as I'm turning the corner, guess who I see?

Just take the wildest guess you can make.

No, it wasn't the Easter Bunny offering me an egg with a million dollars in it. Are you insane?

It was Nick.

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" I mentally repeated over and over in my head. I started walking back really fast. I know he's like, the love of my life and all but I could not talk to him right now. I haven't ever talked to him, well have a real converstaion at least. There were those times when he'd as for paper or a pencil but that's it.


Oh god. He sees me.

I can't keep walking away because he'll think I'm ignoring him. I turn around. "Hey." I say trying to sound ever so casual.

He walked closer to me with a very friendly smile on his face, dimples deep.

He's so freaking cute. Must..... have.... self..... control!

"Where you heading?" He says once he catches up to me and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Ryan's house." I say.

"Oh. Just came from there."

"Yeah, I saw."

"He didn't look to good."

"Oh. Really? Is he okay?" I look in the direction of Ryan's house.

"No. I don't think so. I think he's staying home from school today."

"Is it that bad? Maybe I should go check on him."

I know I've waited my entire life to be with Nick, let a alone walk to school with him, but my best friend might need me. Besides he never ditch me for his crush now would he?

And isn't he dating Madison anyway?

I start walking to Ryan's house but Nick grabs my hand. It takes all my self-control not to squeal like a little kid.

But oh my gosh! He just touched me! Did I mention best day of my life? Oh. I did? Well i'm doing it again. BEST DAY!

"You don't need to. I just came from checking on him."

He looks doubtful but at the moment I'll go with anything he says. "Okay."

He's still holding my hand as we walk but it feels wrong because Madison is dating him.

Talk about bad image right here.


I quickly let go of Nick's hand. God I'm a terrible friend. I turn around and see Ryan jogging over to us.

"Ryan. What are you doing? You have asthma, you can't be jogging in this heat." I hand him my bottle of water and he drinks without a word.

After he's done I say, "Go back home, your sick."

He looks at me confused. "Sick? What are you talking about? I'm not sick." He's still panting and sweating. Maybe the heats got to him. He looks over at Nick and sighs. "What is he doing here?"

Before I can answer Nick jumps in. "Well WE, as in me and Grace, were walking to school together."

Ryan looked hurt, then angry. He pushed Nick. "What game are you trying to play?"

Nick smirked. "What ever do you mean?"

"I already told you to back off!"

What the heck is going on? Aren't these two best friends or something? Oh great. My dream is turning into a nightmare.

I stand in front of Ryan. "Okay, I think we all need to get out of this heat before we all burst into flames."

Ryan stares into my eyes, hard. He looks so confused, lost, and hurt all at the same time. What's up with him?

"Okay." says Nick and grabs my hand and walks quickly. I lose his grip which is easy because my hand is sweaty anyway. I need to talk to Ryan.

Bye bye boy of my dreams.

"Umm, Nick? You go ahead. I'll catch up."

He pauses, looks at Ryan, and says flatly but simply, "Alright."

He walks as I go to Ryan, who is walking to slow.

"Okay. Spill your beans mister."

"Just leave me alone Grace."

I grab his arm. "No." I say in disbelief. "You are not going to mad at me for no reason. Nope. Not going to happen."

Even though I grabbed his arm he still dragging me. "There is a reason."

"No. There really isn't."

He shakes me off. "Just drop it." He starts jogging again, but I don't care enough to try and stop him.



He can be mad at me. I really don't care.


Hello Wattpadians!

Yeah, I just called you Wattpadians.

I'm so sorry for a short chapter, I just couldn't go on. The heat is too strong.


No seriously. I think I'm going to die.

But anyway, looks like more conflict. I love conflict. Well, in books that is.

I really have to go now because I'm in some conflict with my Mom so.......

wish me luck Wattpadians! Bye!

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