next chapter cuz i dont have a title

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They were done kissing they both looked each other in the eye '' Jacob, i'm sorry i know i may do and say this all the time but i dont know how to control my feelings . It is hard ok i really just want  you to know that i really love you and love takes time and if you need anything or even help then i here for you ok?'' 

'' Yeah chres, so this means that you did not mean anything you said?''  He nodded saying yes Jacob started to cry in Chres' neck. Chresnanto stroked his curls '' Whats wrong?''  

'' Chres what if i dont really get better? Because one minute i remember  how to do some thing then i don't'' 

'' Jacob look...... Right we gonna teach you , cause its hard to say this but we have no hwere to live and no where to go i opend the bill mail and it looks like we are getting kicked out and they wont proide us anything because i have a job so i'm gonna havee to work double shifts to make more money cause i dont have enough for all of this.''

'' Chres i'll get a job '' Chresanto looked at Jacob crazy, how was he gonna get a job? 

'' Jake just go get washed we gon thru this.'' 

Jacob did not move he gave Chres a worried look Chres walked with him to the bathroom. They got and Chres washed Jacob .

So in the story you can see that they love is growing and that Jacob may need more  eyes on him. , but see Jacob was just a little slow and needs reminders on how to do things. Jacob has gotten smarter and has more common sense but he make a few mistakes now and then and he is realizing what love is and how much Chres cares bout him so now they are , they need a place to stay but they have really no where to go but Chres is thinking they might just have to sleep in his car until they find some where. So right after school tomorrow they are gonna go find a apartment .

They got out the bathroom, got changed and sat on Jacobs bed chres got on his laptop and searched up apartments in his area. He been going at it for about a hour Jake watched him the whole time , then Jake got behind him wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his head in his neck. '' Don't worry chres we gonna find some where.''  

'' Thanks, '' Chres said smiling lifting Jacobs hand and kissing it .

'' Do you wanna go to sleep and we can look again tomorrow?'' 

'' Yah '' He closed his laptop '' I'm only 18.... to young fro all this pressure '' 

'' Don't be worried you just need to calm down i'm still here to help , I may be a still not iffy side but i am still smart and can help'' Jacob said '' Awh , Jake this why i love you'' Chres got out of Jacob grip laid him down pecked his lips and they went to sleep.

This chapter was suckish. but we still dont know why jacob was acting like that COMING UP NEXT CHAPTER !

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