Chapter 17:Collision Of Your Kiss

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-Chapter Title Credit:Cemetery Drive by MCR-

Gerard shifted uncomfortably in his chair and shot a look at Frank,who was nibbling on his lip ring as his hazel bloodshot eyes stared down at the hard oak table infront of him.

 "So?"Donna finally said clearly trying to stifle her anger as her eyes stared intensely at Frank.

Franks eyes drifted up to meet her blazing ones.

"So?"He shot back,cocking a eyebrow at her and folding his arms over his chest,trying to ignore the stinging in his arms protesting against the movement.

Donna sighed in a exasperated manner before huffing out,"Why did you leave school early?"

Mr.Windsor hadn't noticed Frank leave the classroom at first and probably would have remained clueless on the subject,but once Gerard had ran out after him Mr.Windsor put the puzzle together and called the office,who of course contacted Donna to inform her of the two boys leaving class.

Frank just dropped his gaze back to the table.

He felt  as if he would vomit at any moment.

He was just plain EXHAUSTED.

It had been the longest day of his life.

His life had almost ended today leaving him not only physically,but emotionally drained as well.

"Frank.Answer me!"Donna hissed leaning forward.

Frank wished she would just shut up.

He wanted to go back to the basement and cuddle with Gerard.

At the thought of Gerard,a pleasant tingling sensation ghosted over his lips.

 Frank could still feel the soft lips over his own,he could still taste the cigarettes and coffee flavor left behind.

It was perfect.

After the kiss they had layed in the bottom bunk and just cuddle into each other.

Then Donna came home like a hurricane of fury.

"He wasn't feeling well mom."Gerard spoke up distracting her so she would leave Frank alone.

Donnas eyes locked on Gerard furiously.

"Nobody was talking to you so shut your fucking mouth.Jesus.I'm starting to think things were better when you didn't speak."

Frank looked up immediately as his blood had began to boil dangerously.

He could not handle hearing her say things like that.

NOBODY talks to Gerard like that.

"I'm starting to think,"Frank finally spoke doing his best impression of her voice,"Things would be better if you didn't speak."

The next movements seemed to flash before Frank,leaving him confused and the deep fear he had buried over the years sprang to life.

Only centimeters from colliding with his cheek,a pale hand flashed out and grabbed Donna's wrist halting her assault on Frank.

Frank stared at the hand that had been sent flying at him with a shaky breath trying to kill the scared eight year old boy inside of him.

She had been going to hit him.

She was going to hit him.....

"Don't you ever lay a fucking hand on him."Gerard hissed glaring at his mom.

Donna's expression was a mixture of horror and disbelief as she yanked her hand out of Gerards grip.

Frank had began to hyperventilate as he tried desperately to bury the all to familiar emotions before they could take over.

He fought the memories but images of his dad were flashing in his mind out of his control.

"Get out!"Gerard yelled at his mom,his hands curling into fists.

Frank jumped at the sudden loud shout and looked up at Gerard wildly.

Gerards normal beautiful expression was twisted with anger.

The look in his eyes was murderous.

Gerard saw Frank flinch in fright and looked down at him,his expression softening.

He crouched down infront of Frank and reached out to him.

"Im not going to hurt you,"Gerard whispered and slowly brushed his finger tips on Franks cheeks.

"You know I would never hurt you right Frankie?"

Frank took a unsteady breath before nodding slightly.

Gerard smiled gently,"C'mon lets get you downstairs into bed."

Gerard had to help Frank walk due to his body trembling.

Frank was trying so hard to get a grip on himself but it seemed like a lost cause.

He just wished it would stop.

He didn't want to be scared anymore.

Once he was wrapped in Gerards protecting arms as they laid in bed he stopped shaking.

Gerard kissed his cheek and began to softly sing the song he had written for Frank earlier that day.

The soothing angelic voice lulled Frank closer and closer to sleep with each note.

Just before Frank fell asleep he heard the voice whisper,'I love you' and felt Gerard plant a soft kiss on his forehead.

-Im sorry this is late being posted and its like short and it sucks.I've been dealing with alot of personal shit happening and its been hard for me to write.Hopefully things will calm down soon though so I can get back to writing properly.Anyway leave a comment on any predictions you might have on whats going to happen between Gee and Frank. There will be a huge plot twist coming up.-ChemicalSkeleton

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