Chapter 8:Another Accident While On The Freeway Of This Life

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(Chapter Title Credit:Surrender The Night By My Chemical Romance)

Panic Attack, Self-Harm/Blood

Third Person's P.O.V

The wind was viciously clawing at his body as he fell through nothingness.

His heart was pumping painfully fast and no matter how hard he tried, He couldn't get enough air in his lungs.

"GEE!!!" The scream was ear piercing and terrified.

Gerard looked around frantically, dread washing over him, but it was still just nothingness.


He knew he had to reach the person.He had to save them.

But how could he save them if he couldn't save himself?

Gerard threw out his arms, desperately trying to find the person that was falling in the nothingness with him.

Seconds later, something finally came into view.

The ground.

Only 20 feet below him.

Gerard screamed bloody murder and curled up the best he could, bracing himself for impact.

Gerard sucked in a sharp gasp, his lungs aching in protest.

His heart was beating too fast and God help him, he can't breathe.

It's bright, The thought grounds him enough for him to recognize that he is was on his back in the boys bathroom at his shitty high school.

He squeezes his eyes closed and forced his breathing back to semi-normal.

The chest pain eased and the panic dulled into anxiety.

Gerard groaned as he slowly sat up, watching almost dissociatedly as blood fell from his nose onto the tile floor.


Gerard crawled closer to the sinks and clutched on, using it to drag his aching pathetic form from the ground.

He leaned heavily against a sink and looked himself over in the mirror.

The fresh bruises stuck out like a sore thumb, his nose was still slowly dripping blood and his red hair was a mess from being yanked.

A cough wrecked through his body and to Gerard's horror, blood stained the sink.

He shuddered and quickly cleaned up his face the best he could; His nose continued to bleed however.

Not wanting to hang around for them to have a round 2, Gerard grabbed a few paper towels and held them to his nose.

He gathered his things, wincing as he shouldered his bag, and slipped out to face the world.

The halls were empty.

How long was I out?

He considered his options briefly before turning and walking towards the back hallway; It held a few classrooms but had a wide opening into the student parking lot.

The coast was clear as Gerard walked off of school grounds, placing his headphones in his ears.

It was cold and he was exhausted to the core, but the loud music helped keep him awake.

I'd kill for coffee right now...

Luckily the coldness with harsh winds was enough to keep people away; The graveyard was well.....a graveyard.
It was nice to not have to deal with people.

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