Chapter 6: I've Got A Really Crazy Mind To Clean

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:Chapter Title Credits:
Heavydirtysoul by Twenty Øne PilØts 

Frank sighed as Ms.Way paused mid rant to catch her breath.

The woman was on the verge of a heart attack which was a bit much, it's not like he left during her shift.

"What were you thinking leaving the hospital?! And so late?! And HOW did you get here?!"

"I needed out. I've been locked up like a lab rat for a week. I was planning to just go for a walk and then go back, but I ran into Gerard and we started talking. He brought me here. I would really appreciate if you wouldn't take me back tonight. If I have to stare at those white walls any longer I'm going to go insane." He added a bit of shakiness to his voice for exaggerated effect.

Ms.Way seemed to soften and noting the dark bags under Franks eyes, she decided to deal with the situation in the morning.

"You look so pale. I can't believe you... you're crazy. Are you hungry? There's plenty to eat."

He fought the urge to roll his eyes, instead settling on fighting the grumbling in his stomach at the thought of food.

"No thank you Ms.Way. I'm honestly just exhausted and I feel like I need to lay down."

You're a bitch
You hit your son but you act like a saint 'saving' me from my dad.

"Of course! Ok, so I was going to explain this tomorrow, but you will be shar-"

"Sharing a room with Gerard,I know, He told me." Frank flashed a charming smile just to shut her up faster without seeming rude.

He would rather be in Gerard's basement vs being taken to foster care.

I like him

He couldn't get attached to anybody; Every single person ends up hurting him or leaving.

He was tired of being cast aside like an old broken toy- who needs friends.

But Frank couldn't deny the sympathy he felt for Gerard. He knew what it was like to be treated like shit by family.

I can be nice to him, I just have to stay distant.

"It's just down these stairs. You'll be on top bunk; Ask Gerard to get you beddings. If you need anything at all or feel sick don't hesitate to come find me, ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight Ms.Way." He forced a smile before disappearing down the basement steps. The fake smile melted instantly.


The only light source in the room was a TV mutely playing an old episode of Courage The Cowardly Dog.

From what he could see the room was messy, not that he cared, and there seemed to be comics and drawings all over the place.

Frank's attention shifted to the bunk bed sitting directly across the room from the TV.

There was a lump hidden beneath the crimson covers on the bottom bunk of the wooden bunk bed.

Frank hesitated, feeling out of place in the dark basement.

He doesn't belong here.

He noted that the top bunk was made messily; clearly Gerard's doing by the looks of the room.

Frank didn't mind however,and as silently as possible he hauled himself up onto the top bunk.

Sleep engulfed him as soon as his head flopped down onto the soft puffy pillows and the quilt was bundled around him.

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