Chapter 17

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Next morning in Scrapyard, Grimlock arrives happily because Gaia took him to the city in his new crane disguise and just like last night no one suspected anything when they passed by.

"Well, how it went?" Fixit asked, even if he already knew the answer. Bumblebee, Strongarm, Denny, and Russell arrived at the entrance

"It went great!" Grimlock cheered. "No one thought I was something else than a crane."

"We also went pick Aqua and Young from the hospital." Gaia told. "kid-patients were all so thrilled to see Grimlock, as a crane of course."

"Where are Aqua and Young?" Bumblebee asked since it's obvious only one human can drive on Grimlock, not three. Plus, they obviously need to rest after what happened with Quillfire.

"Oh, they are behind us," Gaia said and looked behind her when a car came into the scrapyard. Everyone froze up in shock when they saw an unknown car. Did Gaia and Grim just expose them to strangers?

Soon as the car stopped, from it came out first Aqua bandage on her nose and Young with black eye and bandage on her head. But after them, came out a young man, a young woman, and a teen boy. Others were still shocked seeing more humans, but Bumblebee's face changed from shock to confusion. These three look so familiar to him.

"Wow... what a dump." the young woman said.

"Miko..." the young man said. Wait a minute...Miko?

"Jack?" Bumblebee asked a young man who smiled at him. "Miko?" Bee asked a young woman who gave a big grin to him. "Raff?" Bee asked the teenage boy.

"It's great to see you, Bumblebee." The teenage boy answered while fixed his glasses.

"Lieutenant, you know them?" Strongarm asked. Right then Sweet came to see what was going until she saw the visitors.

"Sweet?" Miko asked.

In this, there was deep silence, until Sweet started to squeal so loud, that everyone was scared about what was that about until Sweet runs to the three humans and starts to hug them.

"She squealed, I told you," Raff said while Sweet was hugging Miko.

"Never changes," Jack said while picks his wallet and gives ten bucks to Raff. Then Sweet went hug Jack and it took some time to get her off from him until she went to hug Raff.

"Um, guys... These are our human allies when we were here last time." Bumblebee introduced.

"You mean, they knew you existed?" Denny asked.

"Well, we were young back then and we found it out by accident," Jack admitted.

"Best years of my life," Miko said.

"Look...umm...Sorry that I didn't tell you..."

"It's okay, Bee," Raff said. "By what Young and Aqua told, you have been quite occupied to save the Earth from Decepticons."

"Plus, we have been also bit occupied. Studying and training..." Jack said.

"That was until we noticed familiar activity like back in good old days and we decided to come and see," Miko said.

"Heh, Well it's good to see you as well."

"By the way, how everyone? Arcee? Optimus? Elena?"

At first, Bumblebee smiled on that, but after mentioning Elena he looked worried.

"How about we tell you more while we drink something," Denny said and leads them to the dine cafeteria.

"Wow! What happened" Miko asked meaning the huge hole in the cafeteria.

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