Chaper 15 : Off In Their Own World

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Chapter 15 : Off in their own World

-----Dani's POV-----

I wake up the following morning to the sound of my cell door opening. I open my eyes a little bit and see Carl standing in front of me.

His elbows are up on the top bunk and he's whispering something to Erica. The mattress squeaks and I see Erica's feet over the side of the bunk. She hops down and grabs a jacket before her and Carl leave the cell, closing the door behind them.

I sit up in bed a rub my eyes. The sun light from the caged windows streams into my room and I can't help but yawn. Getting up, I pull on my boots and open the cell door.

Hershel, Carol, and Lori are all sitting at one of the cement tables. I wave and say good morning before walking to Hailees cell.

Hailee is lying in bed, reading The Wizard Of Oz over again. I smile and enter her room.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I ask her, sitting on the bed beside her.

She puts down her book and shakes her head. "I'm not very hungry." She says.

"Okay, but promise you'll eat something soon." I sigh.

Hailee nods her head and I leave her cell. When I go over to the table, Lori says that Brooke wanted to see me outside. I thank her and head out the door.

I shield my eyes from the bright sun, today was a nice day for once. The warm breeze blew through the yard and I couldn't help myself by taking off my jacket.

Brooke stands by the fence, looking out in the field. As I run over to her, I say her name. She jumps, startled, and turns in my direction.

"You wanted to see me?" I ask.

"Yeah. I saw Carl and Erica walking around this morning and I was wondering where you were, because you are usually with them. Do you know if anything happened?" She asks.

I shake my head no. "I have no idea. Wanna go get breakfast? I haven't had anything yet."

"Sure. Let's go." Brooke says, leading the way back to the jail.


-----Carls POV-----

As I walk out of the jail with Erica, a million thoughts are going through my head. I want to apologize to her about yesterday, but I have no idea how to.

She walks ahead of me and sits down on a log by the camp fire that we set up in the field. I sit beside her on the same log.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have put you in that position. It was wrong of me to do that." I apologize.

Her face flushes and she looks up at me. "It's okay, but why did you do it?" Erica asks.

Why did I do it? I ask myself. To be honest I had no idea why I kissed her, but I just felt like I needed to distract myself.

"Because," I start, "I wanted to distract myself from the feelings I had for her, by seeing if I felt the same about you."

Erica looks down at her hands and fiddles her thumbs nervously. I couldn't tell if I was making the situation better or worse.

"And? Do you?"

"I think, I might." I speak honestly with only a tiny thought of doubt.

She smiles and hugs me, I hug her back. When we pull away I gently kiss her on the cheek. Maybe this won't turn out as bad as I thought.

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