Chapter 9 : Watch and Learn

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Chapter 9 : Watch and Learn

The sound of forks hitting nearly empty plates, echoes through the room.

We all sit at the table in silence. Brooke pushes out her chair and gathers everyone's plates, it's her turn to wash dishes.

Daryl clears his throat and grabs his bow from the couch.

"Anyone wanna go on a run while we still have daylight?"He asks hopefully.

"I'll go." I say then walk over to Daryl's side.

"I'm gonna clean up around here." Erica signals to the living room which, to be honest, could use some cleaning.

"I wanna come too!" Hailee cheers then runs around to the door.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Daryl worries.

"Yeah Hailee, I think you should stay back and help me sweep and clean up the cabin a bit." Erica invites, saving our butts.

"I'm gonna grab wood for the fireplace and probably head in, I'm tired." Kayla yawns and rubs her eyes.

"I'm helping... Umm... Umm..." Brandon stutters.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Daryl laughs.

"What? No..." He darts down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

"I guess it's just us then." I look up at Daryl for instructions.

He brings his hand up to his scruffy chin and scratches his beard.

"You guys got any big knives or quiet guns?" he questions.

"Ya, why?"

"You gotta be quiet when you kill the walkers, no guns or loud explosions or you will attract more and unwanted attention..." He sighs and scratches the back of his neck.

"Wait here." I run into the kitchen and grab our two biggest knives, then give one to Daryl.

"Got any guns for back up?" he asks.

I nod then go to the linen closet near the living room where we keep the guns. I pull out one of multiple black bags we got from Kayla's dads. I grab two pistols and a couple handfuls of bullets before going back to Daryl.

I hand him one gun and a bunch of bullets before grabbing my bag.

"Are we ready now?" I ask.

"I think so." He answers.

We push open the door and walk out into the cool night air. I look around before following Daryl to the road. He gets on the motorcycle and beckons for me to follow him.

I lift my leg over and sit on the leather cushion. Daryl spits on the ground before speeding down the gravel road. I look up at the darkening sky as we drive down the highway. I cling to him as we pick up speed.

I lift my head up off his back. "Where are we gonna look first?" I shout so he can hear me over the roar of the motorcycle.

"Over there." he nods his head in the direction of a small strip mall.

A couple stray biters lurk around the corner of the most important place; the grocery store. As we get closer, they notice us and stumble towards the bike.

"Shit."Daryl mutters and quickly jumps off the bike pulling me with him.

He grabs the knife out of his pocket and slips the cover off. Once I grab mine out of my bag, Daryl signals for me to follow him towards the biters.

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