Chapter 13 : Jail Sweet Jail?

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Chapter 13 : Jail Sweet Jail?

Alright, we are going to be posting the rest of the chapters we've written over the summer soon, we are very sorry for the long wait but we hope you enjoy our hard work, now for the actual story;

We crouch behind a couple trees as about 6 biters walk towards us, not even noticing. Once they're all passed we run through the trees.

We get to an open field just before the prison. Everyone helps kill the biters around us without any gunshots, not wanting to attract more. Glenn pushes one up against the fence and I run and slam my knife into the top of its skull.

Rick clips about 6 of the wires on the fence and holds it open while we squeeze through. Carl goes in first then I go in behind him, I grab Lori's hand and help her through seeing as she has a massive baby bump. I wait for Hailee to get in before telling her to stay with Lori and Carol and to help them if they need. Glenn ties up he hole with rubber string he found and run.

I run back up to Erica, Carl and Brooke, and stab 2 walkers stumbling in this fenced in area. Lots claw and grab at the fence but they can't get in and I like it. We keep running until we reach a door that leads to a big field.

Everyone sets their stuff down and looks around.

"It's perfect. If we could close that gate, prevent more from getting into the field. We can pick out these walkers, take the field today, stay in there at night." Rick instructs.

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel questions.

"Just run through there and close it."

"I'll do it, I'm the fastest, you guys just cover me." Glenn says.

"No. Suicide run." Maggie deadpans.

"I'm the fastest..."

"No, I'll do it. You Maggie, Beth, and Hailee draw as many as you can over there. Pop'em through the fence. Daryl, Brooke double back to the other tower. Carol, Erica you've became a pretty good shots, take your time. Hershel, Dani, Carl you take this tower." Rick orders and everyone runs to their position. I grab my gun and follow Carl up the stairs to the top of the tower.

The biters are all lined up at the fence now, trying to get a piece of this... Just kidding but they're all lined up sticking their fingers through the holes in the fence.

Beth, Hailee, Glenn, Maggie, and T-dog run down to the other side of the fence and make lots of noise bring the biters to them and away from Rick. I aim the pistol at a walker and shoot, just getting used to the gun.

I hear the gates open and Rick starts running down the field. I shoot down a biter wearing a blue jumpsuit then realize they're all wearing the same bloody, prison jumpsuits. Rick shoots some that get too close to him but keeps on running.

I aim again and shoot down a couple more, this is getting easier. As Rick nears the open gates we start shooting the ones all around the field. He gets to the gate and kicks a biter out of the way, hooking the gate closed. I keep shooting walkers down and look over at Carl to see him smiling at me, I smile back but keep shooting. The walkers inch closer and Rick shoots a couple before jumping inside the far tower.

"He did it."Hershel says surprised.

"Let it up!" Daryl calls and signals for us to just shoot them all down.

I rapidly fire at any walker I see sometimes it gets shot by someone else just before I hit it but gotta get'em all right?

Even Hailee pulls out her gun and starts shooting. All of the biters fall to the ground till theres only one left. No one shoots it, we all wait until Rick does the final fire.

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