Chapter 3 : Brandon?

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Chapter 3 : Brandon?

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" my sister chants in ear.

I sit up and awake everyone else thats coming with us. Once Erica, Mackenzie, Kaitlyn, and Kayla are up we make a plan.

We sit in a circle in silence. No one speaks, fearing for disapproval of their ideas. Erica looks around the circle before speaking up.

"My grandparents have a cabin. We could find a car and I can figure a way there."

"How are we going to drive? We're only 13?" Kaitlyn pipes up.

"It's the apocalypse! Who gives a fuck about the law?" Brooke interjects.

"My dad lives on the way there, we could stop and get guns, my bow is there too." Kayla adds.

"Kay.." I think. "When should we leave? And what about food?" I question.

"The canteen in the basement has food." Hailee puts out there.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"I think so." Erica says.

"First we have to get the food from the canteen, but even before that we need weapons." I explain and nobody moves. "Well they aren't just gonna fall out of the sky, are they?" Brooke teases even though its kind of true.

Me and Erica look around the back room for our weapons, while everyone else looks in the front. I find 2 fairly big backpacks. I pull them out and open one of them. I gasp when I pull out 3 water bottles that look almost brand new.

"Look at this." I whisper.

She walks over and pats me on the back. "Nice job." she goes back to looking on the far left while I continue looking through the one bag, he thought of the other bag having useful items never crosses my mind until now.

Erica ventures away from me, going closer to the back wall. I see her opened a door and light streams into the dim room. I walk over to her and we look out across the school yard.

Biters strayed across the yard, making the air reek of decaying bodies and flesh. "I never actually thought this would happen." Erica spoke.

"I know. How do you think our siblings feel? Hailee is probably freaking out." I sighed.

"Dani. Food. Now." Mac said from the doorway.

I turned from Erica and walked to Mac. We crept down the stairs into the basement. The doors closed quietly behind us as we moved into the darkness.

Immediately we split up, filling the backpacks with canned food and other items. Once one of my bags were filled, I called Kaitlyn to come get the bag.

I continue to pack my bags when I heard a crunching noise. I looked around for any signs of life but frowned when I found none.

I tried to get back to packing but the crunching continued. Deciding to look around, I strayed to the back wall.

What I saw when I turned the corner surprised me. Sitting there, in the corner, eating candy, was Brandon.

"Brandon how the hell did you get here?" I questioned.

"I walked with them! But I stopped and found candy on the way! They weren't talking to me though, don't know why. People never talk to me anyway." He spoke, eating another twizzler.

"My god Brandon, lets get out of here we have to find-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I was interrupted by a scream.

We got up and ran towards the scream. On the ground, Mac sat, trying to fight off a biter with a broom stick. The biter lurched forwards and scratched her arm. She hissed in pain before I stabbed the biter with my desk leg. It didn't go down so I push it and repeatedly stab its head till I was sure it's dead.

Mac freaks out and looks down at her arm.

"It's fine. Just a scratch." I lie. I had no idea what a scratch would do but I wasn't going to say anything.

Once we finished packing, we headed upstairs to the rest of the group. Kaitlyn and Kayla looked at a map,Brooke stood gaurs while Erica sat with Hailee, reading a book. I would have to thank her later for doing that.

"Brandon? Where did he come from?" Kaitlyn asked, looking up from the map.

"I was in the basement eating candy!" he smiled.

Erica stood up and walked over to us. "We need to head out soon, some kids upstairs have spotted a heard of them coming from the streets." She informed us.

"Well, we can head over to my house and get my dads trucks if you want. Who's gonna drive other than me?" I asked the group.

"I can drive. I've done it before and it wasn't too hard." Brandon suggested.

"Then it's settled. We will leave in 10 minutes. Hailee get your stuff together please." I spoke loudly.

Everyone started to brace themselves for the journey ahead. I readied my back packs and we each took our share of the load.

On the count of three we ran across the field, smashing biters as we ran.

Once we got to my house I quickly ran inside to grab the keys. I looked around for food and packed a bag with clothes for my sister and I. When I returned with them, everyone had loaded the trucks with stuff.

In my truck was my sister, Erica, and Kayla. The other one held Brandon, Brooke, Mac and Kaitlyn.

After texting over to the other truck, we started to drive towards the cabin. Driving wasn't so hard when you really think about it.

The truck was filled with silence. The radio only playing emergency messages, warning us to stay inside. Erica would occasionally spit out directions and I would follow them, making sure Brandon would follow too.

Once we were on the highway it finally hit me.

We are on our own. Just kids forced to survive the apocalypse on our own. No parents, no direction, no aim.

Completely alone, to survive this hell that our world has turned into.


Just to let you know, this book is cowritten with thatericachick. She is a really good writer and will be helping me write and writing some of the chapters from now on. Just to let you guys know, it will make the book a lot more interesting as she has lots of great ideas for this book. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!


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