Chapter 10 : Take a Break

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Chapter 10 : Take a Break

-----Daryl's POV-----



I look at the field, from the safety of my motorcycle. I shoot the odd walker that gets too close. Carols panicked scream stand out from the moans and groans of the herd that just ripped apart the farm.

I quickly turn the ignition key, and drive down the gravel road until I reach her distressed figure. God she's been through so much.

"Come on! I ain't got all day!" I tell her and she runs up to the back of my bike and jumps on, just in time for the wire fence to fall down. Walkers get closer as I rev the engine and speed off.

"Go!" Carol yells/cries into my shoulder.

I veer down a side road and dodge the walkers that are in my way. Forest is on either side of us, so I keep driving down this familiar road. I see the clearing I'm looking for and turn onto the highway where we left supplies for Sophia.

I see Hershel's red truck and a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I park beside the truck and no later does Rick and Hershel's heads appear from behind it. I can't help but smile.

Rick walks up to me and thanks me with a firm handshake. The old rusty blue truck and our other vehicle pull up. Lori, Beth, and T-dog hop out of the truck, while Glenn and Maggie step out of the car.

"Oh thank god!" Lori exclaims as she runs to hug Carl, Rick grins and joins their hug.

Hershel warmly hugs his girls, he thought he lost. I stand next to Carol watching everyone from the sidelines. It's times like these that make me miss Merle.

"Where'd you find everyone?" Rick asks me.

"This guys got his tail zig-zaggin all over the road, sure it had to be Asian drivin like that." I tease.

"Good one." Glenn laughs.

"So where's the rest of the group?" I wonder.

"We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick explains.

"Shane?" Lori asks.

Rick looks down and shakes his head.

"Andrea?" Glenn questions.

"She saved me then I lost her." Carol tells us.

"We saw her go down." T-dog adds.

"Patricia?" Hershel queries.

Beth lowers her head "They got her too." she sniffles "Took her right from me, I was holdin onto her Daddy, it's just..." She sobs into Hershel's chest.

"What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?"Beth asks hopefully after she stops crying.

"He was in the RV, it got overrun." Rick speaks.

"You definitely saw Andrea?" Carols questions again to make sure.

"There were walkers everywhere." Lori starts.

"Did you see her?" Carol says getting agitated.

"Im'a go back." I say then walk over to my bike and get seated.

"No." Rick argues.

"We can't just leave her." I reason.

"We don't even know if she's there." Carol sides with Rick.

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