Dedication and Background Info

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Hello everyone. It’s been some time since I uploaded my other stories. I know, I’m a procrastinator and I should focus on finishing one story before starting another, but I just can’t. That isn’t me.

So, you’re probably wondering why I wrote this story. Well, I wanted to tackle something different. The plot to this story is very different compared to the ones I have worked on. There’s a short story I wrote (which I did upload) about a young girl attending her parents’ funeral, explaining how they died, and how this impacted her. Not to sound like a wuss or anything, but I cried so much when I wrote that short story. It was a very “touching,” powerful short story that meant a lot to me because it was very personal and moving.

The characters were influenced by other characters and some people I know and have met. Death was a combo of characters. I turned to Greek mythology for this story, as well. Hades, Zues’ brother, a.k.a. the Devil, had some influence on Death’s character. A lot of people think that Disney’s adaption of Hades in Hercules is what the Devil’s actually like, but he’s not. Death isn’t the Devil. That’s a whole other character. Death is really similar to Dorian Gray, a character tale about an Englishman who was known for being handsome and extremely wealthy. He, unlike Death, wanted to live forever, but realizes that all the heartbreak and loss is not worth eternal youth and living while all the ones he loves die. So, he killed himself.

It’s impossible for me to not give credit to the spectacular George O’ Connor, an author whom I met at a local bookstore for a book signing. My sister, Ari, and I were able to talk to him afterwords. He knows so much about the Greek gods and their personalities. His depiction of Hades' is spot on with how I wanted to make Death, except Hades' doesn't actually kill anyone. Anyways, he’s, like, a Greek Gods’ expert and a really cool guy to talk to. If you haven’t read any of his comic books, I suggest you run to your local bookstore and see how awesome they are for yourself.

I’d like to mention influences of the characters and plot I had along the way. I’m a New York City girl. I absolutely love Broadway. One play that had a huge impact on this story was The Phantom of the Opera. I’ve seen the show a few times and watched the movie with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum as well. Recently, I saw the movie of the show’s sequel, Love Never Dies, and thought, “Death and Cara are like Eric (the Phantom) and Christine!” So, if you’re a POTO and LND junkie like me, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what type of situation I tried to make for those two characters.

Coming up with this story actually took me a while. I collaborated with a close friend; we worked on the plot for about a week. In fact, my friend and I were thinking of making a manga or comic book version. She is an extremely talented artist, musician, and an amazing friend. Without her, this story would have never come to be.

This story is dedicated to her, my family and to all my talented, magnificent friends.


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