Chapter Five ~ Two for The Price of One

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Chapter Five - Two for The Price of One

"By yourself?" A tall, brunette in a dirty, blue apron asked. I'd just walked into the diner. I haven't been here for a while. Three years, I think.

"No, I'm meeting someone. Table for two." I answered. The woman nodded politely back and picked up a menu for me. As she led me to a table in the corner I looked around. Nothing's changed except the staff. The furniture's old and outdated- "classic Americana"- the tables are crooked, and the smell of bacon and burnt coffee was so strong that I was getting nauseous.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" The waitress asked as I sat down. My butt felt weird on the spring-loaded cushioned seat. I'm not (well my butt's not) used to the feel of coils.

"Seltzer." I ordered. She nodded and walked away to check on her other tables. For a few minutes I looked outside the windows, searching for Death to appear. He said noon. My watch said 12:06 PM.

Maybe I missed him. No, that's not possible. He could be running late... Death? Running late? Now that's impossible.

I turned my head to look around the diner and jumped in my seat. Death was sitting across from me, staring at me with a bored, almost annoyed, look on his face.

"You look constipated when you think." He said flatly, the edges of his lips curling a bit. What the hell? He did not just say that! I do not look constipated!

"You do," He said, leaning back his seat. "Now you look embarrassed, which I find cute." Now he thinks I'm cute?

"Can we please stop talking about how I look and talk about whatever the heck you asked me to come here for?" I angrily fumed, trying my best not to yell. I don't want to cause a scene.

"One, no one can hear or see us, not even your waitress so you don't have to worry if you cause a scene. Two, you're here because you're meant to be here. You are special."

"Special? I'm not special. Crazy, yes. Special, no." I sat back in my seat. This is so awkward. I mean, I'm sitting across from Death who's telling me I'm special. I'm definitely going crazy.

"You can see me," He said, leaning forward. His skin started to tan and his dark blue eyes lightened, shimmery. "That's what makes you special. You're not crazy."

"Okay... So what if I can see you?"

"Only one out of a billion humans are able to see me. You are one of a billion." His voice heightened in excitement.

"Lucky me." I exclaimed sarcastically. Death shook his head in disappointment, staring at me, his light blue eyes darkened while his skin paled. What's with that?

"What?" He asked, looking at me dully.

"What's with your eyes and skin changing color?"

"Nothing." He slouched, looking at his hands on his lap.

"That's not nothing. It's something," I countered, wanting an answer. "Is it because of your moods?" He stared at his hands for a long time without giving me an answer. After what felt like forever he nodded.

"That's cool." I whispered. Death looked up at me and tilted his head. He looked back down at his hands on his lap for a minute or so more before saying anything.

"I understand why you're scared of me. I don't mean to harm anyone. It's my job. You live to die."

"Yeah..." My voice trailed off as soon as I saw Death's eyes brighten and his skin darken. His eyes connected with mine, sending weird sensations through me.

"We were destined to cross paths. You're destined to be my accomplice. It's your destiny." He said proudly.

My destiny? To be Death's accomplice?

"Your accomplice? Does that mean I have to kill people?" I started to panic.

"No, not necessarily... I don't actually kill anyone," Death stated slowly. "I just... Remove the soul from the body. In order for this to be done, the physical body has to be dead."

"What about people who die in car accidents? What about people who are murdered? Do you kill them?"

Just as Death opened his mouth to answer, a young woman with wavy red hair and jade green eyes appeared at the end of the table. She was tall, thin with curves, and looked like she could be a model. I jumped out of my seat, frightened by her popping out of nowhere. Bringing my hand to my chest, I felt my heart pounding against my ribs.

"Relax," Death reached over and touched my cheek. At first, it was awkward and seemed too intimate. Then I realized how relaxed I felt. I looked at Death and watched as he nodded his head and sat back against his seat. Then, he looked up at the redhead with a frown. He paled and looked miserable.

"Well, aren't you happy to see me," The redhead sarcastically said. She glanced down at Death with a mischievous grin. She turned her attention to me, her green eyes pierced at me like daggers. A plastic smile played at her lips, attempting to look friendly. Uncertain of how to act, I just stared at her. "You're Cara, right?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. You?"

"I'm Death's sister, Karma. It's such a pleasure to meet you." She offered me her hand to shake, but I just stared at it. Out of politeness, I offered my hand to her and feigned a smile. Her smile grew bigger.

Death has a sister?


Well, Death is a gentleman. Note, sarcasm. Anyways, they seem to be getting along now. Karma, though, she’s... Different. Something’s not right between Cara and her. I wonder what Karma’s problem is.

Here are a few questions to keep in mind:

What does Karma have to do with anything?

Why is Death so awkward and blunt?

What exactly is Cara’s destiny? What is her fate?

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