14 // Blackout Time

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C H A P T E R   14 :   B L A C K O U T   T I M E

"I'll help you find them." I told Logan. "If only I could remember... but there's a blank space in my memory and as much as I try I can't color it."

"Don't try too hard, Felicia." Jean advised. "You're still weak, you need to--"

Of course she had to mention my state in front of Logan.

"I'm not gonna take a nap while our school is in danger." I interrupted, astonishing us all with my words. I was finally including myself in this world. The human being had a funny way to work; only in face of danger did we allow ourselves to admit what was most obvious.

"We're glad you want to help us, Felicia, but you can't push yourself too much." Logan agreed. "This is not your responsibility and besides... everything that has happened yesterday--"

"Today is a new day." I cut again. "I'm strong, remember?"

Logan quieted down but gave me a firm nod. He was not the only one with the ability to use words against its original speaker.

"We've already asked Rylan this. Don't tell anyone about the attack or the spy. We don't want to scare the other students off by saying there's a spy among us, not to mention such thing can alert the spy and make everything worse."

"Don't worry." I said as I walked out of the door. "I'm great at hiding things."


After a much-needed refreshing bath and a change of clothes, I made my way outside to face whatever was awaiting me. Maybe people wouldn't pay me much attention. Maybe I was more insignificant than what I thought and for once I hoped so. For once wearing an Invisibility Cloak would be nice.

As soon as I opened up the door and my feet stepped outside, all my hopes fell down. My ears caught pieces of talks here and there and I was being mentioned everywhere. Gossip was awesome until it targeted us.

A guy wolf whistled when I passed by him. Another was even more audacious and meowed. My fists clenched but I held my head up high. They could choose to mock me and I could choose not to feel mocked.

Glances were shared and every part of me was being measured and analysed at a new level. The scrutiny was excruciating, I felt like a bug trapped in a jar, like a frog being dissected. I was in observation mode once again and they were scientists examining me under their microscopes, tourists desperate to take a closer look at the most famous object in a museum. I was Mona Lisa and everyone wanted a freaking selfie with me.

"Hey, Felicia!" A boy said, coming towards me with some friends. "Or should I say Devil in Heels? Or even Kit Kat? Why don't you suit up for us? We'd love to see you in action."

"Yes, we could throw you a party." Another added. "Isn't it true that you love to crash them to steal? Tell us, have you stolen anything in here yet?"

"How did Professor X even let you stay here?" A girl asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I was being bombarded from all sides and there was no place to take cover. My natural ability to retaliate was passive. Or was it just waiting for the right moment to go aggressive? "For God's sake, you're a wanted criminal. You're dangerous!"

"Oh, I'm sure she is!" Another guy intervened with a smirk. "Tell us, Felicia, do you scratch? Do you... meow?"

"Yeah, meow for us, Kitten!" Someone else said, and suddenly there was a chorus of people chanting it. The words fell on me like the rumble of thunder. I didn't want to meow. I wanted to roar. But I kept quiet.

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