Chapter 15: Emotionless

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Natalya's Point of View.



Like a brain washed soldier, only born for battle.

The feeling that I was being pulled out and being replaced, with a newer, obedient me.

This is how I feel. I feel like I hate the world, I am against everyone. Everyone but Loki.

We were standing on the balcony of the building, staring out at the destruction and chaos that the chitauri was making, and it looked great, amazing, wonderfully chaotic. I smirked down at the destruction, then looked up at Loki, he looked like God, smiling down at his good work. He looked up at me with a smirk.

"I don't know what you see in that horrible Tony Stark. You'd look so much better with me, as My Queen, When I am King of Earth." Loki told me. "Would you like that?" I nodded, hypnotized by him, his dark beauty. Suddenly Thor landed on the balcony. 

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" He yelled. 

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!" Loki yelled back, I nodded in agreement. 

"So be it." Thor snarled, before the brothers lunged at each other. They fought, and fought until Loki looked up at me. 

"Go now, help the army!" I nodded before back flipping off the balcony and landed on one of the Flying aliens. 

As we were flying around I saw the quin Jet fly over us, heading towards Stark tower. I signaled for the Chitauri, that was piloting the UFO type thing I was on, to follow the Jet. I pulled out my bow, and an arrow and aimed at the jet as it stopped at the tower, aiming its guns at Loki.

Clint's Point of View.

"You see 'em Nat?" I asked as Natasha lined up the guns. She nodded when she was locked onto Loki. Suddenly a beeping noise came from the wing, I quickly looked out the window to see one of the arrow grenades was stuck in the wing. The arrow exploded sending the Jet flying out of control. The jet flew off course, heading straight to the ground. We crashed to the floor, knocking over a few statues. I opened the hatch and we all rushed out. 

"What caused the explosion?" Steve asked. 

"One of the grenade arrows." I replied. 

"But who fired it? It couldn't have been you and the only other person with those arrows are..."

"Natalya." I whispered, cutting Natasha off. 

"But, why? Why would she fire at us?" Steve asked. 

"Loki!" I growled, angrily. "I am going to kill, that bastard, I swear to God if he touches Natalya I am going to.."

"Clint calm down, we have to focus right now, lets sort out the major problem and maybe we'll find Nat while we do it but you have to keep calm." Natasha cut me off. I nodded slowly while we headed off the the bottom of the tower to take a better look at the worm hole. We all looked up to see Huge aliens emerging from the wormhole, bringing a fleet of smaller chitauri with them. 

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked, through the inter commes. 

"Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asked. 

"Banner?" Steve said confused. 

"Just keep me posted." Tony replied. 

"Right, let's do this." I called before attacking and oncoming group of Chitauri.

Natalya's Point of View.

I was looking down at my brother as he fought Loki's army. I was wondering why he didn't just surrender to Loki, let Loki be the great leader. I jumped off the UFO thing and down behind my brother. 

"Clint Behind you!" Natasha yelled, causing Clint to turn to me, his softened when he saw me. 

"Natalya?" He questioned, reaching out to touch me, I slapped his hand away and did a round house kick to his face causing him to tumble to the floor, clutching his cheek. Suddenly a pair of hand grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back.  I flipped the person over my head, slamming their body onto the floor. It was Natasha. I laughed evilly as they groaned in pain. This was me now. I was uncaring, I was Emotionless.

Hope you Enjoyed!! Please vote and comment!! Loves ya!!!

Hawkeye's Sister (Tony Stark Love Story/Iron Man Fan Fiction.) *EDITED!Where stories live. Discover now