Chapter 20: Therapy?!

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Natalya's Point of View.

"So, you're telling me that Loki is still in your head and he is planning on coming back here to kill me and take over the world?" Tony asked, looking at me as is I were crazy.

"Yes, I keep seeing him, everywhere." I said.

"Maybe you're just having some trauma, I mean it was pretty life threatening, and he was in your head, it's probably trauma." Bruce said.

"No, it's not trauma, he's trying to get back!" I wailed before rushing out of the living room and back up to my room. I paced around the room trying to think of the ways I could convince them that Loki was trying to get back. They just won't believe me. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"You're a dick." I snapped, turning to see Loki.

"That's not very nice, it's getting hard to sneak up on you." He smirked. I glared.

"Leave me alone!" I snarled.

"Nope!" Loki sang. I ran at him but he disappeared. Yelling out in frustration I punched the wall.

"Hey, don't take it out on the wall." Tony called, standing in the door way. I rolled my eyes at him as he walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug; it was a warm comforting hug, it made me feel slightly better.

"Bruce thinks that you should have therapy." Tony then told me, pulling out of our hug.

"What? Therapy?!" I nearly yelled.

"Yes, he thinks it's whats best but the good thing is he will be your therapist so you don't have to talk to any strangers." Tony explained, trying to reassure me, it worked a little but not a great deal, however I nodded and agreed anyway. I really wasn't looking forward to this and I definitely knew that therapy wasn't going to work.

Tony left shortly after our discussion, leaving me alone and anxious in our bedroom. I was on edge in case Loki decided to show up. Obviously he didn't but only for a brief moment, sending me a smirk before disappearing. Why me, why did he have to stalk me? Well I'm glad he isn't doing his to Clint. I decided it was best to get some sleep so I changed into my pajamas before getting into bed and quickly drifted to sleep. 


My eyes fluttered open but I wasn't in my bedroom, I was at the top of Stark tower. I sat up, confused, to see Loki. He smirked evilly at me before pulling someone from behind him. It was Tony. He was beaten and bruised, he looked weak. I gasped at his state.

"Leave him alone!" I snapped. Loki shook his head, still smirking before grabbing Tony's arc reactor and ripping it from his chest. I screamed on terror as Tony started gasping for breath. Loki then shoved his had through the hole where the arc reactor once was. His smirk grew wider before he pulled his hand back out, Tony's heart cradled in it. I screamed as Tony fell to the floor lifeless.

My eyes shot open and I sat up. I looked around me and I was back in my room. My eyes stung with tears and it took everything I had not to breakdown into fits of sobs. I couldn't sleep for the rest of that night. I was too afraid of what I might dream about. I was worried about Tony and Bruce and Rose. I was afraid that Loki might hurt them or worse, kill them. I cried for most of that night as well, thinking about if I did lose Tony, I don't know what I'd do because, I love him so much.

Double update!! Because I love you guys!! Hope you like it!! Oh and, Merry Christmas, I hope you're all having great days!!!

Hawkeye's Sister (Tony Stark Love Story/Iron Man Fan Fiction.) *EDITED!Where stories live. Discover now