chapter 2

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May 11th 1992

Michael's POV:

"Frank, I've been thinking" I smile sitting down at my desk

"what about?" Frank ask then taking a puff on his cigar

"when I go to this care home visit about adopting a child"

"you got tour next month through"

"I know but, I wanna help a child by giving them a better life" I say waving my hands to push the smoke away from me from Frank's cigar

"who will look after the child whilst you're on tour?"

"he or she can come or a family member will look after he or she"

Frank sighs "look Mike, you'll have kids soon I know it. if you really want to adopt then ok but I would do it after tour, would it be fair on the kid to get adopted and a month later be separated for months on end before being reunited"

"we can talk over the phone and it's bound to be better than the life they currently have" I start to get a little agitated, I've always wanted to adopt as well as have my own children and I feel that adoption from this visit in 4 days is the right time and place.

"alright, if it's what you want"

"I do" I smile

"ok, I'll let them know there will be an adoption at the end"

"thanks Frank"

"you're welcome I guess"

"I'm gonna be a daddy" I smile, I can't believe this is going to be happening. a child, someone who I can look after and be there for and someone who can be there for me.

Lucy's POV:

I get into school and I go straight to my first class, music. I love music cause I get to learn an intrusment, I was thinking about having music as my career as an artist but I wanna be like the staff who helps out I can't imagine myself being a singer or instrument player so I'd rather be one of the helpers who helps to create the album.

"eww, it's that freak from the care home" a girl says whilst looking at me in disgust like I'm some criminal or something

"I actually wish she would get adopted then she wouldn't be in this school" someone else says

"look at her shoes they are well dirty"

"probably belonged to another kid and they went to small"

"eww that's gross" they all laugh and walks off

"just ignore them" the teacher says to me whilst unlocking the class

"oh yeah? so much for doing your job" I say and walks to the back corner and sits down

"Lucy what is that meant to mean exactly?"

"students welfare, all teachers are meant to stop all forms of bullying including nasty talk by students about fellow students"

"Lucy I-"

"no but if it was the other way round of if they was talking about your kids you would step in"

"well yes but-"

"but nothing, just cause I'm a a kid with no parents it doesn't mean I'm different. oh and by the way, don't ask me for the answers again, I'm fed up of getting made fun of cause I know the answers" I say and other people arrive and as usual they sit as far away from me as possible.

"hey can I move my desk closer to your chair please?" Tom asks Amy as the only seats left is to the right of me or in front of me

"sure, I'll move a lil forward so you can be further away. I feel sorry for whoever gotta go next to her and be that close" Amy replies

"ya know I'm not some zombie with a deadly disease that will kill you" I say bluntly and as normal just get dirty looks and ignored

"ah man, I told my dad to drive faster. now I'm stuck next to freaky" Rebecca says as she walks to her desk and makes it's obvious and pulls her desk as farr as she can from me.


everyone is home from school and Miss Taylor has yet again called another meeting, I just wanna go to my bed I hate my school and I hate my home I just want the ground to swallow me up.

"our special Visitor on Saturday is going to adopt one of you" Miss Taylor smiles

"well why is Lucy in the room cause it won't be her" Jack says and everyone looks at me and laughs, I pick up a cushion and throws it at him

"Lucy! get to the timeout room now!" Miss Taylor says loudly at me

"with pleasure" I smile and walks out pushing Jack off the stool on my way. I get to the room and throws all these giant cushions around and punches the wall, I need to seriously calm down but I'm so angry

15 minutes later

I'm sat in the corner of the room holding my knees up to my face as I get even more tears, why the hell does my anger have to change to sadness making me cry I hate crying I swear I am going to run out of tears very soon.

knock knock

"go away" I yell, and the next thing the door is opening and in walks Miss Taylor

"I said go away so why are you here?"

"have you calmed down yet?"

"you know I should have this as my room seeing as I'm the only kid that actually uses this room"

"I think you need longer"

"yeah maybe, or you can just let me go to my part of a room"



"cause you will end up in the bathroom"


"you'll end up in hospital again"

"your point is what exactly?"

"if you keep doing this you will die"

"well maybe that is my objective!" I yell through even more tears, nice one they just had to show up didn't they

"Lucy, don't say that" Miss Taylor says coming towards me and kneeling down next to me

"why? I'm only saying the truth, I shouldn't lie remember"

"you don't really wanna die, there's a family out there for you"

"no there isn't"

"there is, I know you will be adopted"

"no I won't, I'm not an adoptive kid"

"don't say that, everyone is an adoptive kid even you"

"everyone likes to adopt little kids, why wasn't I wanted when I first came? I was little"

"god has a purpose for life, he has a plan and you will like it and it will be ok"

"no, god isn't my friend. if he cares then why is he letting me live in pain and suffering then?"

"I can't answer that"

I lift my shirt and jumper up and turn to my side "why would he let me get these then?" I ask as I sense she is looking at the new bruises "just let me go, please I just wanna be in my bed where I actually feel a little safe"

"fine, go on" she sighs and I get up and goes off, I curl up in bed and just cuddle my plushie as I silently cry to myself.

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