Chapter One

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    “Who did you get?” Chelsea asked me as I sighed showing her the piece of paper and waited for her to show me who she got rather impatiently.

    Except, she never did, instead she started giving me the puppy dog look and clasped her hands together, “Please, please, please, trade me!” she said as I looked at her shaking me.

    “I’m sorry Chelsea, but I cannot do that. One, you never showed me who you got, two you yelled at me this morning, and three,” I said holding up three fingers, “We’re not suppose to trade, didn’t you hear Mrs. Tatton?” I asked as she glared at me.

    “I got Kali Maa, who the fuck is that?” she asked as I shrugged, and looked down at my piece of paper.

    “Please Torie, please, please, please, please,” Chelsea begged as I shot her a glare.

    “CHELSEA! I told you no, we can’t be trading!” I said rather loudly as Chelsea shot me a look, along with a glare.

    Hiding my smile I saw Mrs. Tatton turn and look at Chelsea, “Chelsea! Did I not say no trading? Or was it my imagination?” as Chelsea bowed her head, hiding behind her hair, “Tori, what did I saw about trading?” the teacher asked looking at me as I sat up in my chair.

    “No trading, Mrs. Tatton, Chelsea just kept begging me, but I said, ‘NO!’”  I told her as  Mrs. Tatton nodded.

    “Let’s hope you all listen to the rules of this assignment like your fellow classmate has,” she said as I nodded at everybody.

    In reality I had been planning on trading with Chelsea, but nobody needed to know about that. I mean one of the worst teachers in the school just gave me a compliment in a way; writing about Thor would be worth it, I guess.

    Just as I was about to say something to Chelsea the bell rang, and half the class rushed out of the room, a fourth of the class went to ask questions to Mrs. Tatton about the research paper, and then the other fourth was passed out sleeping on their desks, hey no judgement here.

    “I can’t believe you did that!” Chelsea hissed at me as we walked out as I looked at her.

    “I told you, no cheating,” I said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

    “It wouldn’t be cheating! It would be trading a piece of paper,” she said as I shot her the, ‘You’re a lazy person, and didn’t want to research on a goddess,’ look.

    “Well, now you can find out who the fuck Kali Maa is, and I’ll find out about Thor,” I said as she sighed, and I waved goodbye to her as I headed to my next class.

    The rest of the day passed quickly, I skipped eating lunch in the crowded cafeteria and headed to the library to get a head start on the project. I grabbed at least five books on Thor, or gods. I went to my last two classes, and finally arrived home.

    “I’m home!” I yelled to the empty house as I walked into the kitchen.

    Taped on the fridge was a note from my mom,

    “Tordena, I went to the store, and to a scientist, Darcy and I will be talking about an experiment I have been working on. Should be home for supper. Love, Mom. P.S. Darcy says hi.”

    Rolling my eyes I helped myself to the bag of grapes in the fridge, along with a bottle of water then headed upstairs to my room. Setting my backpack on the ground, I threw my purse into the chair, it’s the, ‘Purse Chair.’ I flopped on my bed for a second, setting the grapes and water down on my end table, then headed to my closet striping as I went. I grabbed a pair of sweats, and my, ‘This is True,’ muscle shirt, which I thought Chelsea had stolen me. Apparently not. I changed quickly, then picked up my room, it was getting messy.

    I actually found the missing binder, it was under a pile of clothes that I wore two days ago, who would have guessed? After the room was to my satisfaction I grabbed the rest of my binders and started doing my homework, leaving my research paper for last.

    I soon found myself with an empty bag of grapes, and a water bottle long gone. Sighing I grabbed my research paper rubric, my laptop, and all the books I had checked out and headed downstairs towards the breakfast bar.

    I started writing things I found out as I ate an apple, then when I was eating carrots the door opened, “Honey! I’m home,” my mother yelled coming into view.

    “I thought you were a burglar, but then I thought, who would have a key to our house?” I asked as my mother shot me a look, but she was smiling.

    “How was school?” she asked noticing I the apple core, and the half empty bag of carrots, “Good thing I went to the store earlier,” she added.

    “School was school, where’s the intern?” I asked looking around for the crazy Darcy as my mom shook her head picking up my trash.

    “She went on a date,” my mom said as I looked up confused.

    “The intern dates?” I asked as my mom sighed as she nodded at me before grabbing supplies for supper.

    “I’m thinking of making baked chicken, does that sound good?” she asked, “And yes Darcy dates.”

    “Never would have guessed, and whatever, I don’t care,” I told her as I looked back at my laptop going over the notes I had typed.

    “What are you doing?” my mom asked several minutes later as I shrugged typing something on the computer.

    “My research paper, we had to choose gods or goddesses, and we have to write a paper on them. It’s the last project in the class, and we have a month and a half to do so, along with presenting our project to the class,” I said as my mother nodded interested.

    “Who did you get?” she asked as I picked the counter, but continued reading about Thor.

    “I got Thor, Chels got Kali Maa, and she was flipping out, begging me to trade and what not, but Mrs. Tatton found out so we were stuck with the people we got,” I said looking up after multiple minutes of silence, “Mom?” I asked looking at my mom who looked shocked, no she looked frozen in spot, “MOM?” I asked louder.

    “What?” she asked as I looked at her giving her my, ‘You did not just freeze for no apparent reason, what are you hiding,’ look and she looked away opening the door to a cupboard.

    “Mashed potatoes, or baked ones?” she asked as I stared at her; she did not change the topic.

    “I don’t care,” I told her, “But why did you just freeze? I mean good god mom, it’s just Thor,” I said as she looked at me before looking away.

    “No reason, I just realized that I forgot to do something with my experiment, I will have to contact one of my fellow scientists,” she said as I nodded, “Will you mind giving me a minute?” she asked as I shook my head.

    “Nah, it’s cool, I’ll be in my room,” I said grabbing my stuff and started walking away.

    As soon as I was at the first step of the stairs I heard my mother say, “Darcy we have a problem.”

    Darcy wasn’t a fellow scientist, so why was my mom talking to her? Why did she lie to me?

    As I headed upstairs slamming my door shut I knew one thing; my mom was hiding something, and I was going to find out exactly what it was.



Here you go guys! Just as promised! I'll try to write more tonight! Enjoy, and if you like it comment or vote?


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