Chapter Three

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I walked into the house after the bombshell was thrown at me, Chelsea had been unusually quiet on the way back. We were both thinking about this; was the rumor of my mother having a child with Thor true?

The first thing I saw when I walked into the house was my mother’s luggage in the hallway, the second thing I noticed was the sound of laughter in the kitchen, my mother and Darcy’s laughter; I headed in that direction.

Sitting on a stool at the island my mother was explaining something to Darcy, her face lit up; it was probably another secret that I could not know about.

“Hey Squirt, you’re back,” Darcy said as I rolled my eyes, my mother looked over smiling.

“Darcy told me you went to work on a project or something, was it the paper on Thor?” she asked, “Did you find out anything?”

How could she just lie through her teeth?

“I learned a lot actually,” I told her walking to the fridge and pulled out two water bottles, tossing one to Chelsea, “Chels and I found out about this town not too far away that Thor had actually visited. We found this neat design on the desert floor, and we went into town to this diner. They had the best pie. Right Chelsea?” I asked.

“It was so good, I had three pieces,” Chelsea said nodding.

“Then we met some locals that had been there for years,” I said as my mother nodded not betraying anything, on the other hand Darcy looked like she wanted to say something, “They told us some pretty interesting stuff,” I told the two.

“Did you know Thor fell in love with a woman from Earth? In the town? She was a scientist and had an intern named Darcy. The scientist was rumored to get pregnant and have Thor’s child,” Chelsea added in as my mother looked at us.

“Darcy is a very common name, I mean I wouldn’t even know where this town is,” she said looking away from us; obviously lying.

“And there are plenty of scientists in the world,” my mother said as I shot her a look.

“Cut the crap, we know it was you two,” I said, “THEY TOLD US YOUR AND DARCY'S NAME!” I told them my voice raising.


Author's Note


I'm sorry for not updating since JULY OF 2014, holy shizzle, please forgive me, I will TRY to have the next chapter A S A P. 

BUT, while you're here maybe like? Comment - tell me how mad you are at me or something like that? 



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