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JUNGKOOK was now walking down the vacant streets of Seoul, it was quiet besides the sounds of his feet against the ground and the rain that now soaked him. He had just been dumped by who he thought would be the girl of his dreams, but that was soon shattered as he was left in the pouring rain and the cold pavement beneath him.

Sure he should have guessed this was going to happen but he wanted to take another chance, besides how mean can a short haired, petite, and nicely dressed girl can be?

Turns out, very mean.

Not only did she dump him in the worst weather possible, she left him three blocks from where his actual apartment was, and had the audacity to break up with him after a very expensive dinner which he paid for.

Hurrying along the streets, Jungkook wanted to get home as soon as possible. No not because he was cold, it was fact that the time was nearing midnight and he didn't want to run into any trouble getting home. There has been reports of people going missing in Seoul, the most recent being of Jung Hoseok, only 24 years old.

He's been missing for a month now.

Strangely enough there was three others who disappeared like him, he police never released the exact description, it would have helped if they did it might help someone if they were the next to vanish.

It interested Jungkook how the four all randomly went missing, they all seemed to be in the same age group as well. Min Yoongi was 24, it's been 2 months since anyone has seen him, Kim Seokjin was 25, he's been gone for 4 months, and lastly Kim Taehyung, he man was 22 and went missing only 5 months ago.

He was the first to vanish without sight, then came the other three after a few months, no one suspected anything before that.

There's been search parties and posters set up but, no one besides themselves would know if they were alive or not.

It frightened Jungkook, but he simply shrugged it off knowing something like that would never happened to himself.

Walking into the warm and comfy apartment, Jungkook took off his completely soaked jacket and threw it in a corner of his living room. Taking off his shoes as well, he dragged himself into his bedroom and quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt.

Getting into bed Jungkook let out a long sigh and stared at his ceiling until his eyes began to grow heavy and darkness began to envelop his surroundings.

Jungkook gasped as he sprung up from his bed, the boy was breathing heavily for what seemed like no apparent reason. His eyes were as wide as can be when he looked around his surroundings, his room was black.

Not like there was no lights black, black as if he were looking into a void of nothing.

The only thing he seemed to recognize was his bed sheets and his own body, scrambling in his blankets Jungkook now sat upright in a tense position. There was white noise, and it felt as if it were tearing into his skull. Going to throw his hands over his ears the boy was stopped by someone, or more like something.

Slowly turning to his left, a large in human like hand was on his arm. Not wanting to look directly at the 'thing' the boy shut his eyes tight as he felt heavy breathing on his face, pressure began to grow on Jungkooks arm, and the more he seemed not to want to acknowledge the presence with him, the more pressure grew on his limb.

The pressure soon began to grow into pain as he hissed out multiple swear words, he felt as if his arm could snap off any minute now.

Opening his eyes, Jungkook face the monster in front of his vision, there stood a beast like creature. It looked as if it was dumped into oil and it's body was like a human but not at the same time, there were no eye sockets but somehow Jungkook could feel a stare burning into his soul.

"W-what are you?"

Jungkooks now scratchy but quiet voice called out to the creature, instead of getting an answer the thing then gave his arm one last painful squeeze before picking up the brunette and throwing him into the black obsess.

Jungkook screamed as loud as he could, he tried to grab on to whatever he could while he tumbled down somewhere. As a last resort Jungkook held onto himself, wishing for this terror to end before he hit the ground.

The milky skinned boy woke up screaming in terror. He was once again breathing heavily and this time when looking at his surroundings, everything was normal and in place. Taking in deep breaths and making sure to breathe out slowly Jungkook slowly came back to reality, and took a minute to think about what had just happened.

Silently thanking his mother for teaching him the correct breathing exercises, Jungkook got out of bed and made his way towards the bathroom where he began to get ready for the day. Throwing on a pair of timberlands a white t-shirt along with jeans and a flannel jacket, Jungkook left the comfort of his apartment and went out into the cold and musky weather outside in the streets of downtown Seoul.



Opening the door of the small family owned Café, Jungkook was instantly hit with the familiar smell of bitter brewed coffee and freshly baked pastries. The Café was owned by Park Jimins mother, he himself of course worked there to carry on what the family held so closely in their hearts.

The two had known each other ever since high school, and they never grew apart. Jungkook enjoyed working at the Café, he especially enjoyed working the night shifts because when he closed he always got the leftover pastries that weren't eaten. Working with his closest friend was what he enjoyed as well, the two really worked as a team when it came to difficult orders.

"Kookie! Good morning! Glad to see you made it on time for once, now start prepping the coffee machines and help me frost some cakes before we open.", Jimin was always the one to somehow find a nickname for everyone he knew, it was one of his many traits that attracted people to him. Jimin was also energetic and knew how to make the best of things, which was probably why Jungkook was friends with him in the first place, his upbeat attitude.

"Hyung it's too early for anyone to buy frosted cake."

"And it's too early for me to deal with your bullshit, but here I am.", Jimin looked at Jungkook with a look of pure sass and the other brunette groaned before beginning to heat up the coffee makers, "Your so mean Jiminie.", the elder chuckled as he started to wipe down table tops, "That's what makes me a good manager, so how's it going with that girl. I forgot her name uh-"


"Yeah her, how's it going between you two?"

"She dumped me last night, but I mean it's not like I'm not used to it.", Jimin shrugged as he made his way to the kitchen, Jungkook following behind, "Girls really don't like you huh? Have you tried maybe dating guys? I know some people who would kill to fu-"

"I'm not into guys Jimin, I already told you that. Whatever just pass me the piping bag so we can get this done.", Jungkooks face was now mildly flushed as he tried to pass the topic of dating other guys, he wasn't against homosexuality it was just the strange idea of guys liking him more than girls did.

Besides if he were against homosexuality he probably wouldn't be friends with Jimin, who was gay and made it very clear he was looking for a relationship half the time.

"It was a suggestion Kookie, don't get your panties in a twist."

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