The Start Of a Great Road

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In the locality of Londerton, a small town of the county of Torontario in the Montebec city, state of Golden Maple Leaf, a little girl of five years Old called Jane Marie McCormick Dubreuil danced in his room to the rhythm of classical music, dreaming and imagining with are a great ballet dancer. Her mother Katerine spied on her behind the door with a giant smile of happiness so beautiful and sweet her daughter looked enjoying what she likes to do, routine that both repeat daily after Jane leaves the Kindergarden.

Meanwhile in the next house are the best friends of Katerine, the family Lauzon Chouinard, the most generous people amusing cheerful kindly and kind of Londerton. To each place that they leave their mark of good energy and optimism, which causes that all the inhabitants of the locality want to meet with the most greatest family of there. All of them are very popular both in Londerton and in the adjoining neighborhood and in most neighborhoods of the County of Torontario. There is no one who refuses to talk to them, because when you talk to anyone they always have a positive word and encouragement to leave you, they also give you the best advice that any other person can give you and help anyone who needs them.

The mom is Alice and father is Jonas. Together they have three sons: Chandler with 14 years-old, David of 13, and the youngest, Patrick of 7. They also take care of their niece Sabrina of 13 years, daughter of the sister of Alice, that passed away after the childbirth of Sabrina, but it is as if she were the daughter that never had. She is so well cared for that she never felt her mother's absence and feels like a princess in that home. When the night arrives the family Lauzon Chouinard final meet at the Katherine house to dinner with friends and have a good time in the company of their children's.

Katherine besides Jane has three older children: Josephine of nine years-old, Kenzo of 12, and Carlton of 17. She raises her children alone, since the boys' father disappeared when Jane was newborn, after the plane in which he was traveling suffered an accident. Although she has managed to deal with this situation, sometimes Katherine needs the help of her best friends, although her introverted personality and her pride do not allow her to be helped, but Alice and Jonas know her so well that they know how to detect when Katherine does not can do it alone and do not hesitate to do their own and help her without realizing.

Beyond the lack of her father, the love that Jane receives from her mother is so much that she never wondered what would have become of her if her father was present. If that were not enough, his older brother, Carlton, takes care of Jean what is it like if he was the father he never met.

As for the children of Alice and Jonas, Sabrina is very close to Kenzo because they are in the same class and tend to do homework together after school. Even though he has not told, Kenzo kidding a lot to Sabrina, but she is attracted to Carlton. Meanwhile Joséphine and Patrick spend their time playing together during family gatherings, but despite this they do not get along very well, their relationship is somewhat tortuous, but she tries to support Patrick because she is interested in David and does not want him to be take a bad impression of her and try to approach David through his little brother, but David has a girlfriend and only goes to Katherine's house for his friend Kenzo, and for David, Josephine is just a girl and the sister of her friend Kenzo.

As for Jane, being the youngest of both families, she always stays by her mother's side when they get together for dinner, since none of Alice's and Jonas's children want to play with her, and although her sister Josephine is all the time with Jane, when David is close he does not pay attention to her and puts her aside. On the other hand she is so focused on the dance that she only thinks of being alone to go to her room and dance as much as possible and imitate the movements of the best ballet dancers. For Jane there is only one thing in life that makes her very happy: her passion, ballet, something she dreamed about for a long time and her ultimate obsession in life. She only thinks of one thing: to enter the ballet of the National School of Classical Dance, but since she is only 5 years old and she still has 6 to be able to take the test, she learns new movements watching operas and concerts on television.

Once they have finished dinner, all the members of each family come together to talk about the things they did during the day: first they start talking about Jonas and Alice, then Katherine follows, after the biggest kids and finally the little ones, but by then Patrick and Jane are very tired and almost always end up falling asleep on the sofa in the hall, so Jonas and Alice go home with Patrick in their arms, while Katherine climbs the stairs to put Jane in her bed.

The next day the youngest of the Lauzon family Chouinard wakes up before his parents and brothers to turn on the TV and watch the replays of ice hockey matches of his favorite team: the Golden hockey Maple leaf, a team that you would like to play with when you are older. Dream every day with being the scorer and captain of this team. Patrick is super fan of this team, so much that they wear the picture shirt as sleepwear, and if it were for him he would also use it to go to elementary school, but in his school they wear uniform and he has no choice but to take it off, although when his father does not see him, he hides the shirt in his backpack and takes it to school with him as a good luck simbol so he can do well in school.

Even though their parents are very close friends and they get together all the time to share a family time, Patrick and Jane do not know each other. For his part, Patrick does not record it at meetings and Jane is very shy and attached to her mom, so approaching him is not within his plans. Both he and she, unlike their older brothers, go to different schools and are in different degrees, so it is almost impossible to know each other, also none of the two share activities or places in common more than the nights at home Katherine, and as both families tend to get together late, Patrick and Jane end up falling asleep in the armchair. Despite each of these impediments, they had plenty of opportunities to cross words, and although they still do not know it, they have many things in common.

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