Twelve: Roller Coasters and Dates

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"Come on, Hazza," Louis practically pleaded. "It was your idea to come here in the first place."

"Yeah, Harry," Liam joined. "You said you'd give the rides a go."

"Please?" Serena whimpers.

Harry stuffs his hands in the pockets of his pants and looks down at his feet, a grim look on his face. He's biting his lip and looking very similar to a little boy who's just been told off. "No, I can't. Sorry guys."

"What's the worse thing that could possibly happen, hmmm?" Louis raises his eyebrow at him. "You get a little scared, maybe throw up-"

"Which is very unlikely!" Liam interupts.

"-And have a good time." Louis finished. "Please, c'mon Hazza, you said you would."

Harry was chickening out. I'd read about how he didn't like rollercoasters or any scary ride of sorts, but I thought that was just for the press and the fans to think about- I didn't think it would actually be true. And if it was, I didn't think it would be so bad that he wouldn't even go on a ride that didn't look to be that scary in the first place.

We were standing outside the gate enclosing the ride at the fairground, which we'd driven a few kilometers away from home to find. We'd decided to go on this ride, it was called something like 'The Storm'- I hadn't really looked- and at the last minute Harry started shaking and stopped at the entrance. We were at the front of the line and supposed to go on the ride next.

I took a deep breath, knowing what I had to do, and slowly manouvered my hand down so that it just brushed against Harry's, a tingling sensation going through me. Harry slowly lifts his head up and looks at me, and I quickly build up the courage to enterwine our fingers and I lift his hand up,  taking it in both of my hands. 

"I'll hold your hand the whole time, if you'd like," I smile. I feel the other's intense gazes on me and try not to blush. "Please come on with me."

Harry looks at me for a moment, his expression unreadable and neutral, his green eyes boaring into me, before he shifts a little om his feet. "Fine," he sighs, just as the ride guy gestures that it's our turn on the ride. 

Whoops go around as we slowly start walking up to the ride, the others going off ahead, arguing over the front two seats, while I trail behind with Harry, still grinning. I feel so nervous around him, but it's a good nervous- everything just feels right.  "Thank you," I whisper to him as we slip into the seat in the third row, and I feel the reddness creep onto my cheeks. Louis and Serena are holding hands in the front two seats, and Liam sits next to a creepy, overweight baldman in the seat in front of us.

Before Harry can respond, Liam turns around, a worried look on his face. "Help!" He whispers, his brow furrowed. Harry stiffles a laugh and shakes his head at the boy, just as the baldman stretches his arm out and rests it on the back of Liam's seat and stares out at no where, oblivious to Serena and Louis giggling in the front seats. 

I grin madly, and feel Harry's grip on my hand tighten as the man comes around and pushes all of our seat belts into place, checking that everything is fine. I give him a reassuring smile. "It's okay."

"I feel like such a kid..." he murmurs with a groan.

I shake my head. "Everyone has a fear- yours just happens to be rollercoasters. It's okay."

"What's your fear then?" he tests, grinning.

"Spiders," I shudder. "I just- nope. I can't deal with spiders." He bends his fingers a little, and traces his free hand up my shoulder playfully, as if it's a spider. I swat it away, grinning. "But don't tell anyone, I like to act all fearless and manly."

"So do I, most of the time," he nods. "But rollercoasters I just can't handle."

"Can I ask why?"

"You sort of already did," Harry laughs.

"No, I mean-" Before I finish my sentence, there is a beeping noise that cuts me off, and I feel Harry's hand squeeze mine even more, if possible, as the ride slowly starts off. "It'll be fine," I promise, as we start to ascend up the track.


Ally's POV

Alex, Niall, Zayn and I practically ran out of the vet as quickly as we could when our shift was over. Niall and Zayn had stayed with us the whole time, giving us a little hand with some of the paperwork (which they were pretty hopeless at) and keeping us entertained between appointments, which was good. Alex and Niall, after kissing many times, had decided on going to a movie with us, but they were going to have Nando's for dinner afterwards instead, which Zayn and I had decided we were sick of.

So, together, the four of us walked across the road to the shopping complex- Alex and I still in our embarrassing work uniforms- looking like an odd bunch, as usual. Alex and Niall wandered off ahead, holding hands and skipping, while Zayn and I walked normally behind, Zayn's arm over my shoulders.

Under his arm, I felt safe and content, ready to rule the world. It was pretty funny how we'd all met under the most odd circumstances- at a Nando's resteraunt. Even a little ironic that Niall and Alex had the same favourite food. But going to Nando's on that day, at that exact time, may of been the best decision I'd ever made in my whole lifetime.

I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if we hadn't bumped into them. Alex and I would be walking home from work, bored and alone, to cook dinner and sleep like normal people. But instead, we were going out to see a movie and eat dinner with two members of a famous boy band.

Life couldn't be better.

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