Skinny Love (Dan Howell Fanfiction)

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Hi, my name is Hailey. I'm moving to London for a fresh start, i'm leaving my past behind. My Ex-Boyfriend, my abusive father, and finally everybody that somehow harmed me in anyway. I lived in Manchester... I tried going to school but, I dropped out because, I partied WAY too much I wouldn't show up to class for like two weeks strait just because I was parting, drinking, and smoking instead. But, thank god I don't do that anymore. I'm a college dropout, a self harmer, and just a total fail at life. Nobody would EVER love me. I know because my Dad told me like everyday of my life, he would say things like.. "No one will ever love you" or "The reason why you're mother killed herself is because, you are the worst daughter on the planet". After, about 16 years of living with the dick that is my father, I moved out. I stayed in the crappiest apartment I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure someone was murdered in there. then, after I finished high school. I met my Ex- Boyfriend.. I thought he was the one that was going to save me from the ashes but.... NO he was a Giant dick! But, I didn't notice till after I broke up with him. We would break up then, get back together, then break up again... IT WAS TERRIBLE. Then one day, I caught him cheating on me with a random girl I've never met before.... and that's my story.. And, I'm ready to create a new fresh story.

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