Something Different

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"Is there nothing else we can do?" Clara asked, stood to one side of the console with her arms crossed. The Doctor gave her a questioning look as he walked round to the other side of the console. "Like...just something...different." She continued.
"What do you mean, 'different'?" The Doctor responded, flicking a lever up and causing the central column to stop it's rhythmic rising and falling.
"Well, it's always the same isn't it? You take me to see somewhere new and we end up saving it from blowing up in our faces." She leaned against the railing.
"That's what makes it fun." He protested. She tilted her head slightly and frowned at him. "Alright! Fine! We'll go somewhere plain and ordinary." He said, not wanting to get into an argument that her humany wumany logic would win.
"Plain and ordinary? You're already failing." She smiled teasingly. The Doctor made a 'hmpf' noise in response and went back to the console, pressing buttons, flicking levers and the rest of it.


The door of the TARDIS opened with a loud creaking squeak, then a man and a young woman stepped out onto a hard, rocky surface layered with grey dust. A planet of green and blue, the dark side dotted with yellow, recognisable as home to any human hung above them. The Earth loomed there, like an ever-present god, surrounded by an endless expanse of nothing polka dotted with stars. Clara followed him out and looked around, and then up. "Is this the moon?" She asked, gazing around.
The Doctor looked around as well, "I do hope so." He walked forwards slowly, expecting questions.
"Go on then, do your bit where you tell me when we are and why." She said.
He looked back at her, "We're around five-hundred years in your future. Man and moon should've become acquainted by now."
"Why do you never sound certain about where we are?" She questioned.
"Because she's never 'pin-point' accurate." He said, motioning towards the blue box.
"Right..." She stepped forwards slowly, following him. "How are we breathing? I thought there's no oxygen on the moon?"
The Doctor smiled, glad that she was asking intelligent questions again. He started to scan all around him with the sonic screwdriver, "There's an oxygen bubble around the surface. Like I said, man and moon are acquainted." He tossed the screwdriver up in the air and caught it again before returning it to his pocket.
"So...where is everyone?" She asked, stepping forwards again.
"Most likely in eco-domes built inside craters. Watch out for invisible forcefields as well, they use them to protect against-" He had turned around and walked straight into an invisible wall. Clara held back a laugh. The Doctor stood up again and scanned the forcefield, "-against meteors."
"This is getting less plain and ordinary as you keep on talking." She teased again.


"Impact detected on forcefield 7 ma'am." The man in his mid thirties working at a monitor screen reported.
"What sort of impact?" The woman responded.
"Small ma'am, but worth checking." He started up another program.
"Get me eyes out there." She ordered.
"Already on it." He smirked, trying to impress her. She leaned in to look at the surface of the moon as a small camera protruded from the ground.


The camera came up to one side of the Doctor and Clara, just beyond the forcefield. "Doctor..." Clara said, noticing the change in the unchanging setting. "What's that?"
He wandered over and knelt down to look at it, he got out the sonic and attempted scanning it, "The sonic won't pick it up past the forcefield...but i presume someone's watching."


"Who are they? No-one's supposed to be on the surface. I gave no order." She barked.
"They aren't from the base ma'am, look at them. They must have crept past the scanners in that...what is that?" He says, talking about nothing but the TARDIS.
"I've got no idea..." She responded. "Bring them in."

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