08:Sleepover Shenanigans

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3 hours into the night and we are officially drunk off our asses and high as kites.

I giggle as we watch cat fails on youtube. "They are so cute! But so mischievous too. I feel like I could be a cat in a different life."

Tina nods somberly. "Cats are such mysterious creatures. Sometimes they stare you right in the eyes and I swear...it feels like they can see into your soul."

Kimberly shoves a bunch of chips into her mouth. "Uh girl, I hate to break it to you but when a cat stares at you like that, it's probably because it's trying to let you know that it's two seconds from pouncing on your ass. It thinks you are its prey."

"Facts!" I shout, clicking into another video that promises to be the funniest cat video ever. I try to take another gulp of my drink before realizing that my cup is empty. I stand up and stagger towards the drinks. "Anyone else need a refill?"

They both raise their cups into the air and I refill them the best I can, my movements a bit sloppy. I pour some juice on my fingers as I fill up Tina's cup and I stare fixated by it dripping down my finger for a long moment before remembering that I'm suppose to give her the drink.

"Ok I think we waited long enough," Kimberly declares, after taking a sip of her newly refilled cup. "Why exactly is Dean giving you the silent treatment? It seemed like you guys were getting along on the ride home on Thursday."

"Yup," Tina confirms cheerily, nodding her head enthusiastically. "You guys were kind of flirting in the car when he was dropping me off."

"We were not!" I deny indignantly. "You take that back right this instant Cristina Ariana Marino!"

"Nope," Tina giggles, leaning her head against Kimberly's shoulder. "You were totally flirting."

I growl, stuffing more cheetos in my mouth. I wasn't flirting with him! I know I wasn't even if other people thought it looked like that. Is that why Dean got mad? Because he thought I was being a tease, flirting with him one minute but then not following through when he acts on it? Regardless of whether or not I was flirting with him, I didn't have to go and eat with him if I didn't want to and I won't feel bad for that.

"You won't feel bad for what?" Kimberly asks with a frown. "Oh god, you were a bitch to him weren't you?"

I roll my eyes but don't deny it. "I just told him I didn't want to be friends with him. He didn't take it so well."

"Girl," Kimberly says shaking her head in...disappointment? Amusement? I honestly can't tell at this point. "You are one stubborn bitch."

"Thanks," I reply sarcastically. "Anyway he was completely contradicting himself since he was trying to make me go on a date with him—"

"Whoa what?!" Kimberly screeched, jostling Tina from her shoulder as she jumped up. She looked towards Tina but pointed towards me saying, "Did she just say what I think she just said? Please tell me, Tina that I did not just hear her say she didn't want to go on a date with the sexy, mysterious Dean."

"That's what she said," Tina supplied cheerily, bobbing her head happily to the background music to some random youtube video playing on my laptop on the floor. The videos were long forgotten now though.

"I'm about two seconds away from kicking your ass," Kimberly threatens, swaying slightly even as she glares at me. "Explain yourself."

"There's nothing to explain," I insist. "He just drove to some Thai restaurant and wanted me to come inside and eat with him. I said no that I didn't want anything to do with him—"

Kimberly groans loudly in distress, her hands covering her eyes and I continue loudly over her.

"—And that school was ending in a few months anyone so really, what was the point?" I shrug, hoping that she'll let it go, even though I know that Kimberly has never let a single thing go in her life. "I already have you two, I don't need anyone else in my life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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