04: Rollin' Stone

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"You did what?!" Kimberly screeches outside of our English class. I hungrily shove the rest of my sausage, egg and cheese sandwich in my mouth, trying not to laugh at the look of shock on her and Tina's faces. "Bitch, are you insane? The hottest guy to enter these halls in years wants some one on one time with you and you hand him over to that skank Naomi?!"

"I can't believe you did that" Tina agrees shaking her head. "You have some serious balls, Carmen. That guy is dangerous, I think it's best if you stay away from him. He looks like he could bench press us all three of us and not even break a sweat"

"Mmh now there's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing," Kimberly says with a grin.

"I have no interest with spending more time than necessary around him so don't worry, Tina" I say crumbling the aluminum wrapping into a ball. "Anyway, knowing Naomi she'll have him by the end of the week and I'm not interested in sloppy seconds."

Kimberly narrows her eyes and gives me a suspicious look. "I bet you told her to give him the tour for that exact reason."

"Busted" I say with a shrug, laughing when Kimberly smacks me on the shoulder. "What? I'm just killing two birds with one stone. My only goal for the next three months is to keep my grades up and stay out of trouble. And Dean is definitely trouble I don't need in my life."

"You don't need to have him in your life," Kimberly says with a saucy grin. "Just one night. And then let us know how he was. I want to live vicariously through you for once, my love life has been sorely lacking this year. And Tina is practically a nun."

"Hey!" Tina protests, blushing.

"Sorry my little doe-eyed angel, " Kimberly says giving Tina a side hug. "You deserve better than these douchebags at school. You deserve some prince charming shit. For some sexy ass guy to come and swoop you up on a damn horse and whisk you away to fairytale land."

"And I don't?" I ask sarcastically. "My feelings are so hurt"

"You're too much of a stubborn bitch to need a Prince Charming." Kimberly says blowing a kiss at me when I give her the middle finger. "Prince Charming couldn't handle you. Don't pretend you'd be down with some guy saving you and acting like you're some damsel in distress."

I make a noncommittal sound. "And what about you Kimberly? What kind of person do you deserve?"

Kimberly smiles, her white teeth standing out against her dark brown skin. She brushes her long dark hair behind her shoulder and puts her hand on her hip. "Girl, I deserve someone who will worship the ground I walk on. So if that means Prince Charming then I will gladly get on his damn horse and run away into the sunset. And if that means some bad ass chick, then I'll gladly climb on that horse as well."

Kimberly is pansexual, so gender/sex don't matter to her when it comes to finding a suitable partner. For her, it's about finding someone she feels attracted to and someone she feels can keep up with her and not try to control her. She's dated girls before and she's dated guys and she always says she doesn't have a preference of one over the other.

Unfortunately the guys at school can't get enough out of bothering her for some girl on girl action so when it comes to PDA she tends to keep that on the low if she's dating anyone at school.

"You deserve the kind of love story that people write stories about" Tina says with a kind smile. "We all do."

"That we do, sistah" Kimberly says.

The bell rings signaling the start of class and we rush into the class taking our seats at the back of the room. Our English teacher, Ms. Katie—or Kate as she liked to be called—was already standing at the front of the room a bright smile on her face.

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